Chapter 9 Derrick's Phone Call

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The next day at school, Rick was going to be brave and tell Alfonzo just how he felt about him. But he failed to do so, for Alfonzo and Amanda were making out again, against his locker. No, not Alfonzo's locker, Rick's locker! His heart hurt so much now, and he knew he couldn't talk to him and interrupt their moment. Rick did his best to rush past them as though he were invisible, when Amanda spoke.

"Oh Rick hi! Sorry we didn't see you."

"Figures." Said Rick not hiding his cold tone. Then Amanda asked when they were meeting for the next band practice.

"I dunno, what time's good for you?"

"How about Wednesday? I got free time before I have to go home later and baby sit my little sister." Rick nodded.

"Then fine, Wednesday it is. See you." Before Rick left, Alfonzo begged him to stop and told him he received a letter from Freddy. Rick spun around. Freddy wrote Alfonzo a letter? Why didn't he write to him?! He knew him way longer!

"Oh?" Alfonzo handed the letter to him. He had to admire Freddy's ability to write when he couldn't even see. He heard somewhere that blind people use braille to write. Alfonzo and Amanda looked sad, seeing Rick's eyes moisten.

"He says he's having a good time there, and making new friends. He also says he has to go to the hospital once a week for tests. The rest is a blur, I gotta go."

"Amanda sweetie, I'll see you after first period okay?"

"Take care of Rick, he seems really sad about Freddy." Said Amanda softly.

"I will."

Alfonzo followed Rick but couldn't find him. Where the hell was he? He wasn't in class? Then when he turned the corner, he saw Jenna. Rick was there, in her arms. It looked like Jenna had been crying. Perhaps she had read Freddy's letter too? Alfonzo hated to see his friend in pain and wanted to help him. Why was he ignoring him lately? Alfonzo wasn't getting anywhere with telling him how much he loved Rick. Then he thought, maybe quitting the band would be best. Especially since they almost kissed and were nearly caught. He hated to do this, but it was all he could think of to get rid of his pain.


During their next class, Alfonzo passed a note to Rick who sat behind him as he always did. He told him he was quitting the band. Rick passed the note back to Alfonzo.

~Come to my house after school so we can talk~

Alone again, with Rick? He didn't see any way out of this one, so he wrote back


He didn't know how he was going to tell Amanda this, but he knew he'd have to somehow. It was just getting harder and harder for him to be near his best friend, and keep his feelings to himself. He wasn't gay, or maybe he was. All he knew was that he didn't feel the same butterfly sensation in his stomach when he was with Amanda. When he was alone with Rick, he did feel butterflies. They had known each other for so long, and it killed Alfonzo that he couldn't tell Rick the truth. He had been hiding way too long. It was time to face his fear, no matter what the consequence was.


Rick spoke to Jenna again before he left school, in fact he walked out with her.

"I'm sorry I fell apart on you Rick. I don't usually do that. I'm just so lonely since Freddy's at that other school. We're still together but, it's hard to keep our relationship going, especially now that he's..."

"I'm sure he still loves you Jenna. How often do you see him now?"

"About once a week. His school is about an hour away so I don't get a chance to go on a date with him every Friday night like we used to. A part of me thinks we should break up, for the sake of his health." Rick looked at her sadly. He told her he loved the two of them together, and they obviously cared about each other a lot. He told them to not give up on their love, even if Freddy didn't have a lot of time, the time he did have, they could spend together. Jenna hugged him and kissed his cheek.

"You're a good friend Rick, and you were always so loyal to Freddy. He talks about you all the time and misses you so much." Rick was happy to know this. Soon after they said goodbye to each other, since Rick had a meeting with Alfonzo later at his house. He wasn't looking forward to it one bit.


After school, Rick was hoping to see Alfonzo there when he never showed. He sighed heavily and was going to call him, when the phone rang before he could even dial the number!

"Hello is this Richard Stratton?"

"Yes it is, who's calling?"

"You have a long distance call from Saint Louis, shall I put it through?"

"Yes of course! Thank you!" Rick did not expect this at all. Derrick Taylor was calling him! He hadn't forgotten about him! He did kind of a sexy dance when he heard his boyfriend's husky voice on the other line.

"Hello Rick?"

"Derrick! Derrick I'm so glad to hear from you! I was worried you broke up with me!"

"Me? Break up with my favorite guy in the world? How could I?! Babe I'm sorry I didn't call you sooner, I've been sick with the flu the past couple weeks! In fact, since I got back home!"

"Oh no! I wish I was there to take care of you. I'm sorry to hear about this. Bet your mom is being a good nurse for you though." Said Rick smiling. Talking with Derrick Taylor was so easy and familiar to Rick, unlike talking to Alfonzo lately. Derrick said his mother had been treating him very well, and he was on the mend. He then asked how he was doing and how school was. Rick told him as best he could, by saying he was busy as hell, and missed Derrick so much he could hardly function.

"Babe I miss you too, really I hated to leave. You have to know that. If I could have stayed, I would have."

"I know Derrick, you did what you had to do, it's fine." He couldn't believe it, he almost cheated on Derrick. Should he tell him? Did he even have to know, if Derrick didn't forget him and all was okay? Rick took a big breath and asked,

"Derrick can I run something by you? Are we still dating?"

"Rick, why would you even ask that? I'm shocked! Of course we're still dating! Unless you don't want to anymore." Rick said right away that he wanted to keep dating him and then pounded his forehead with his fist, thinking of Alfonzo, and what they almost did.

"I'm glad to know Rick, and I still love you a lot. Listen before I hang up, how's Freddy doing?" That was the last topic he wanted to discuss! Rick told Derrick about his blind school and how serious his illness was getting.

"Rick, I'm so sorry. I'll pray for him okay, and if you need me, I'll come back. You can count on me all right?" Rick missed his voice so much and wished he could hug him. He told him this.

"You still have my bracelet I gave you?"

"I always have it on me." Said Rick, looking admiringly at it on his wrist.

"I always have yours too. I hate to be ending this call so soon but money is tight. Rick, give my best to your folks, okay, and tell them that I'll be there for their wedding. I love you!"

"I love you too! Get well soon Derrick!" Rick almost shouted. "Oh Derrick wait..."


"Take care."

"Take care Richard."


Well that was totally unexpected! Now what was he going to do? He didn't even tell Derrick about his forbidden feelings for Alfonzo. Was Derrick possibly hiding something from him? Was he maybe faking himself being sick? No, Derrick wouldn't do that. He had changed damn it. He changed so much that Rick fell in love with him! Just then, a voice behind him made him jump.

"So, how's your boyfriend doing?"

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