Chapter 13 Amanda's Heartbreak

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Alfonzo honestly didn't know how he was dealing with all of this, and the worst part was he couldn't even talk to his uncle about being in love with Rick. Even though that kiss they shared happened a week ago, he still felt a tingling sensation on his lips whenever he thought of it. It was the most amazing kiss he ever had.


Amanda was his first serious girlfriend, but he had others before. But a real committed relationship was something Alfonzo never had, and though only being seventeen, he really wanted one. And he knew who he wanted to have a committed relationship with.

If only Rick would get his butt to the phone and break up with Derrick! His folks were having a wedding soon, and he knew Derrick would be attending. Lord knew what would happen if Rick didn't tell him by then! This was so much torture for Alfonzo, waiting to kiss his boyfriend to be again. Countless times, he wanted to just rush over to his house and plant one big hot wet one on him! But he knew he couldn't yet.

When Alfonzo was doing an errand at the store for his Uncle one Wednesday afternoon, he saw Amanda again. They hadn't seen each other since their awful break up.

Amanda was reaching for a jar of tomato sauce that was on too high a shelf for her, she was on her toes. Sighing, Alfonzo went over and got it down for her.

"Oh, thanks." She said without looking at him.

"You're welcome. Amanda wait." Said Alfonzo as Amanda was heading off. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Tell you what?"

"You know, how you kissed another guy, how you were into someone else while seeing me? You could have saved me a lot of heartache Amanda, why didn't you tell me?"

"Why didn't you tell me you were gay? You were practically cheating on me the whole time we were together Alfonzo! Look I don't have time for this, I need to go."

"Hold up. One last thing. Are you planning to kill yourself? Or drink again?"

"No, and why the hell do you care, you're with Rick." An unsettled expression came over him.

"I'm not with him at least, not yet. We're waiting for the right time." Amanda stared, shocked. Then she asked him what was holding them back. Alfonzo explained the best he could. Amanda then told him, if Derrick wasn't around why shouldn't they hook up it wasn't like Rick was cheating on Derrick.

"It's complicated Amanda. Too complicated. Look all I want to ask, is that wether you'd hate me if I told you I was gay. Or wether, you'd shun me out of your life because of it. I don't believe you're a homophobic Amanda, tell me you aren't against me." Alfonzo sighed, feeling like he might cry. Amanda waited a long time to answer him. All she could think about was Rick and Alfonzo being together, kissing and possibly having sex some where down the road. Those things she had dreamed for nearly three months doing that with Alfonzo. But now Alfonzo was with a guy, or soon going to be. So she said weakly, with pain all over her face,

"You didn't tell me you loved Rick Alfonzo, you didn't even bother to tell me you were having doubts about us. I didn't either but I had my reasons! You know my bastard father. Then you chose to break my heart. I'm sorry, but I can't accept your relationship with Rick, and if I meet him I'll say that you and I aren't friends anymore. But I will tell Rick to take care of you. I gave you everything Alfonzo, I gave you my love and my trust. It will be a long time before I can look at you again." Alfonzo grabbed her arm, but she yanked his hand off like it was a pesky fly. Then, without another word she marched down the isle.


That night before going to sleep, Rick knew he couldn't let Alfonzo down anymore. He was going to call Derrick and be straight forward with him, and tell him they should break up since they hardly ever talked to each other, or wrote to each other anymore. It was a different time zone in Saint Louis, but not by much, so Rick turned on his light at midnight and called Derrick's number. It took three rings, but by the end, Derrick finally answered.

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