Chapter 20 Rick's Car Accident

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Back at the mansion, Maria was getting anxious for Rick's arrival and didn't know what to tell his parents if anything happened, but thankfully both Dexter and Alfonzo were there waiting with her.

"Something happened to him I know it!" Said Alfonzo angrily. "I should never have let him go!"

"Alfonzo, calm down we know nothing yet. We need to be patient." Said Dexter.

"You did all you could." Said Maria gently.

"Not enough! If Rick dies I'll never forgive myself! I should never have listened to Brad in the first place!" Dexter looked at him and asked what Brad had to do with this. Alfonzo couldn't answer of course and just sobbed into his hands. Dexter sat next to him with his arm around him.

"Alfonzo, you really love Richard, don't you?" Alfonzo nodded.

"More than you know. Please talk to my mom, make her understand how I feel about Rick. Then again, if he never comes back I..."

Dexter told him to stay calm and positive and pray for the best. If something bad happened they would hear something soon enough. He then asked Alfonzo what would drive him to do such a thing as to date someone else. None of this made sense to him.

"None of this makes sense to me either. It all started when Brad thought if I dated him, you might allow me and Rick to date more. I know how much you despise Brad."

Dexter then wondered why Alfonzo even thought he discouraged him and Rick from dating. He was on their side. It was his sister who wouldn't be. Dexter encouraged Alfonzo to have more faith in himself, and told him to be brave. He was going to be beside him and hold his hand throughout all of this. Alfonzo sobbed against his Uncle, feeling like a ten year old. Dexter had never seen him like this before, and it scared him. But it scared him even more with what happened next.

The phone rang, and Dexter answered. Alfonzo stared at him, his complexion turning pale, then his eyes full of fear came, then the look of shock and dismay at the news, of Rick's car accident.


Rick was a little worse for wear, his face a little scratched, and he had a bandage on his head and a sling on his arm. Alfonzo came in with Dexter, and Rick could tell he hated being there, or maybe just hated seeing his best friend like this. Dexter went over to Rick's bedside.

"How are you feeling Richard?"

"All right, my head kind of hurts. My arm should be better in a few short weeks. Did you tell my folks?"

"Your parents are going to shorten their honeymoon and will come home a week early. Please don't feel guilty."

"The only thing I'm guilty about is what I put your nephew through." His warm eyes looked at Alfonzo, but he still wouldn't look at Rick.

"I'll leave you alone shall I?"

"No I'll go with you Uncle Dexter, get better."

"Alfonzo wait." Dexter encouraged him to stay and left them alone.

"Of course Richard. Get some rest." Rick told him to not stand so faraway so he moved somewhat closer to the bed. He began to speak, telling Alfonzo how sorry he was for not listening to someone he cared about so much. Alfonzo looked at him and tears started spilling from his eyes. He knelt beside Rick's bed and choked sobs out, holding his hand.

"Rick. Please understand me okay? Brad and I just held hands. I even told him I wasn't gonna do more than that. Brad and I weren't going to date for real, it was only fake, it was all fake Rick. See, Dexter hates Brad, so we thought if I pretended to date someone worse for me, he and my mom would realize that you're the best person." Alfonzo was crying weakly when he was speaking and Rick watched him patiently, his expression turning softer. "I only have romantic intentions with you, never Brad. Please say something now."

Rick sighed heavily and said gently,

"This is my fault Alfonzo, not yours. I'm sorry I got so mad at you, and if I asked what was going on instead of jumping to conclusions well, I wouldn't be lying here in this hospital bed. When I saw you and Brad...I have never felt so awful, except maybe when I saw you and Brad together. I was scared, scared that I had lost you again." Rick's boyfriend bent down and kissed his hand. He didn't stop there, and carefully rested his head on his chest, with one arm across his stomach. Rick entwined his fingers with his, kissing his head.

"I'm so happy when I'm with you Rick. So damn happy. I almost lost you today and I would have blamed myself if..." Rick interrupted him by taking his cheek so he could look at him, before leaning in to kiss him softly.

"Remember when you said, you're my best person? Well you're my best person too Alfonzo. You always will be, even if your mom does try and split us up, at least we have this moment." Alfonzo carefully got off his bed.

"I'm gonna fight for us if I have to, because I love you. Please get well soon, so we can go on our first official date soon."

Then Rick thought, what about right now? Even though they were stuck in a hospital, at least they were together.


With the nurse's permission, Dexter's, Alfonzo was allowed to stay a little longer. Rick asked the nurse to bring up some food for them, and lucky thing, for it was dinner time anyway! Rick and Alfonzo had their first date in the hospital room and since Rick was too weak to feed himself, Alfonzo did his best to help him.

"I want to be your slave Rick."

"Then as your master, I command you to kiss me, and say that you're my boyfriend no matter what we face." Alfonzo smiled sweetly and kissed him carefully. He then said what Rick told him to say, and then he fed him some more macaroni and cheese. It was a really sweet sight to behold.


When Alfonzo was in bed that night, a beautiful dream appeared that made himself smile in his sleep. There was a pond, with rainbow lights all around a gorgeous fountain. Two people were in the pond, their skin shiny and reflecting off the Fluorescent lighting, turning crimson, then emerald, and even coral blue! They were together in each other's arms, him and Rick. Both had been swimming together, both were wet and glistening, gazing at one another.

How shiny and white his body was. How sexy he looked, so sexy in fact that it made him feel rather excited and found himself reaching into his boxers with his hand, giving that area some attention.

They were still heavily making out in his dream, Rick had dipped Alfonzo in the water and then he came back up again, wrapping his arms around his neck, kissing him with gusto and passion. Suddenly, something ruined this beautiful dream, the sound of thunder.

After thunder comes rain right? Well not in this dream! After thunder came a blaze of hot lava, oozing in and around the pond, coming in between Rick and Alfonzo! Stopping them from holding each other! Alfonzo heard each other's screams as they were being taken away by the awful liquid and it began drowning them. First Rick, and then Alfonzo.

This was when Alfonzo yelled in his sleep, calling out Rick's name and crying. Dexter rushed into his room in his night robe and held him close, asking him what was going on, assuring him that he was safe and that Richard was fine and would recover soon from his accident. But Alfonzo kept sobbing and shaking like a five year old.

"Richard will be fine, you're safe Alfonzo. Don't cry now."

"Uncle Dexter, I love Rick, please tell me I can keep seeing him. Please, let nothing split us apart! Nothing!"

"I can't promise this Alfonzo, but I'll try my very best."

"I'm so in love with Rick. I'm sorry." He kept sobbing.

Dexter told him to never apologize for loving someone, especially if that person happened to be Rick. It warmed Alfonzo to hear his uncle say that he was the best person for him. Maybe it was a sign that everything was going to be okay.

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