Chapter 19 With Impulse Comes Consequence

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The following Saturday evening, Rick was getting ready for his date with Alex and got busy fixing his hair. Alfonzo called him but hung up, not caring to listen to him run his own life. It was Alfonzo's fault for Rick choosing Alex, and the worst part was, Rick knew of Alex's drinking problem even though he knew they were going to a fancy bar.


Rick came down stairs looking as handsome as ever in his Grey suit and told him he had a hot date.

"Oh Rick, I'm so happy for you!" Said Maria, thinking of course that it was Alfonzo. Alfonzo did show up a few minutes later and Rick sighed.

"Alfonzo what are you doing here Alex is almost here."

"Alex? Who the hell is Alex?" Maria asked.

"Rick's new boyfriend who's going to kill him if he goes out with him!"

"Alfonzo, I told you to butt out of my life, so butt out!" Rick shouted.

"I care too much about you to let anything..." Rick suddenly grabbed him by his collar saying angrily,

"You kissed another guy!" He shouted, shoving him away from him so hard, Alfonzo almost fell over. Alfonzo tried collecting his words fast and said that he didn't kiss Brad. All they ever did was hold hands. They were only practicing being a fake couple.

"My Uncle Dexter hates Brad, so we thought if I pretended to date him we thought my uncle and my mother would probably accept you after all. It was all for you Rick, for us." Rick thought a moment but all he could do was again picture Alfonso with Brad and it made him even more angry and sick inside, so he said loudly,

"That's loads of bull! You know what, I'm going on that date with Alex and you can't stop me! If you can be with other guys, then so can I! I have my rights!" Said Rick, poking at Alfonzo's chest with his last four words. Rick was leaving when Alfonzo grabbed him once more and said deeply,

"Don't drink, please, promise me you won't drink." Rick went over to Alfonzo and leaned in close. But his eyes were eyes of hate, not of love this time.

"I don't need to promise you, anything. From now on just stay the hell out of my life." Alfonzo looked tearfully at him then, and that was when the doorbell rang. Rick was going to answer it when Alfonzo suddenly put his arms around him in a tight hold, sobbing a little on his shoulder.

"I'm so sorry Rick. If I thought this was going to upset you so much I would never have gone with Brad's scheme. Nothing happened. I thought you loved me Rick and wanted to be with me." Alfonzo was still crying softly and for a moment Rick held him back, but then his evil demon came out again from inside him and he pushed him away. Looking at him coldly he said,

"I did."

Just then the doorbell rang and Rick left to answer his date, telling Maria not to wait up. Alfonzo just stood, watching them painfully, unable to believe this was happening.

"Alfonzo, are you okay?" Maria asked.

"No I'm not." Maria was there at the wedding, and she saw Rick kiss Alfonzo romantically in front of everyone. She put her arms around him, and said softly,

"Don't worry, he'll be back. If he knows how much you love him, he'll return. Why did you say he'll kill Rick?"

"Because, he will. He's dangerous Maria. A guy as smart as Rick, should know better."


Things were going okay so far, Rick and Alex went to the movies. but after that they went to a fancy bar.

"Alex I don't know about this, I've never been in a bar before."

"What, seriously? You're eighteen."

"Even so, I think I wanna puke." Said Rick massaging his stomach. He already had one full beer and got sick right then.

"Sure just not on me okay, 'bathroom is down the hall to your left. Don't worry, the first couple times are always the hardest."

"Alex I dunno about this, I promised my dad I wouldn't drink until I was ready." Suddenly, Alex began to laugh.

"Wow, he sounds really over protective of you. It makes you sound like he's talking about having sex, not just plain drinking. It's just beer Rick, come on it won't kill yuh." Rick sipped an exceptionally generous amount. It didn't taste all that great, kind of bitter and sour for his liking, at first.

After a while they got onto talking about their families. Alex's parents were always traveling the globe so he didn't see them much and was fending for himself down here. Then Rick told Alex about how his dad just got married, but he really liked Kate a lot, though there were times he wished it was just him and his dad like the old days.

"Aww the classic Cinderella story. She's always making' you do stuff right? Cleaning your room, and fixing meals, stuff like that?"

"Well we have a house maid and a cook, so I don't have to do too much, but yeah, she does often make me do stuff I hate." Rick took another gulp of beer.

"Let's change the topic okay? How about that black kid I saw in the living room. What is he to you anyway, he acted like you're his lover or something." Here Rick started half crying, setting his head in his hand. Alex patted his back. He knew he was right. There was something going on between them.

"Aww so he's your prince charming."

"Not anymore. He cheated on me Alex! With my best friend! We were this close getting together and he goes and breaks my heart! I hate him! I hate him so much!" Rick shouted and gulped another large helping of his beer, only disappointed to find it was all gone. Alex decided they both had enough, and paid for their drinks.

Outside by the club Rick vomited in the trash bin. Alex stood near him, telling him he wasn't doing good at holding his own alcohol.

"Give me a break, it's my first time getting drunk! You know what?! I LOVE IT! I LOVE BEER!" Rick shouted into the night.

"Okay buddy I think it's time we go now."

Alex was rather drunk too, but not as drunk as Rick, so Alex was sober enough to drive him back, at least, he thought he was.

"Rick buddy you did well for your first drink, I'm not gonna blame you. People always get drunk when under a broken heart anyway. Let's go back, okay?" Rick could barely move as he got into the car. Brad said if he needed to vomit to do so out the window and not in the car.

"Alex you're so cute, you're so good to me for taking care of me. Thank you." Rick sobbed and then fainted on his lap.

Alex meanwhile, was starting to feel worse, and the road in front of him was blurring up. He didn't realize how drunk he really was until it was too late. He also didn't realize how fast he was actually driving until....CRASH. He didn't see anything the next moment but a flash of green light, and the roof of his car, before he closed his eyes, and he was gone. Next to him, on the floor under the steering wheel, Rick was lying there, bleeding. 

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