Chapter 8 Edward's Advice

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That evening at dinner, Rick was very quiet, and poked his pasta with his fork. He kept thinking about what happened between him and Alfonzo yesterday at band practice. He had no appetite and shoved his plate back, and announced he wasn't hungry.

"There's your favorite lemon meringue pie after dinner, you sure honey?" Kate asked.

"For the first time Kate, I'm not hungry, even for pie." Rick rushed up the kitchen stairs that led to his room.

Edward looked concerned and sighed.

"Kate, I think I should go talk to him, you know, man to man? I think this might be about Derrick."

"How do you know it's about Derrick?"

"Well, Derrick's been gone for what, two weeks now? Rick is missing him, and I think I can help him. I'll give him good advice, don't worry." Said Edward and kissed her.


Edward found Rick lying flat on his bed, looking like his world was over, or soon going to be.

"Son, is everything all right? You were pretty quiet at dinner and didn't touch your food." Rick shrugged. "Rick, keeping things to yourself is never the answer, but talking things over might help."

Rick sighed and sat up a little.

"I miss Derrick dad, so much. But, there's something going on, or that might be going on with, someone else." Edward stared.

"Really? Who is it?"

"Alfonzo." Edward smiled. Really mad now, Rick stood up, a little too quickly and lost his balance, and Edward helped him sit down again. "Look dad, I know it's wrong to cheat on someone, and I haven't. I've been close though, too close recently.

"Wow, you mean you and Alfonzo already..."

"No of course not! But we could have kissed. Dad, I don't know what to do anymore. I think, I think I have feelings for Alfonzo, and something tells me that, he does too."

Edward asked Rick how long this has been going on? These feelings? He also asked if Alfonzo told Rick he liked him more than a friend? Rick said it was at the Ski lodge when those romantic feelings started creeping in. He said it bothered him every time he was with Amanda. But Alfonzo had never mentioned to Rick that he liked him, that way.

"Then son, I think you need to come flat out and ask Alfonzo how he feels about you. If he denies it, then you have nothing to worry about, and you can get past this and stick with Derrick."

"Dad, you were right when you said long distance relationships never work. I haven't heard from him since he left. Maybe he already has another boyfriend, or girlfriend. Why do things have to be so complicated?" Rick asked, setting his hands over his face.

Edward told him that nothing in life was ever easy, and things never stayed the same either. Edward also told him that no matter who his heart chose in the end, he hoped he would be happy, and Derrick would always care about him even if he was far away,

"I miss him so much dad, but apart of me, misses Alfonzo even more. We've been getting closer lately, but since we almost kissed, it's so awkward between us now. I don't know if I can face him again."

"A little hard son, considering his locker is right next to yours at school. Listen, you and Alfonzo have a history too, a different kind of history, but a history. Don't let what you two share deteriorate by false feelings. Make sure they're what you want, before acting upon them, okay?" Rick's father was so good at giving advice, especially on matters of the heart.

"Thanks dad. I'll try my best. Every time I see Alfonzo, my heart aches, and not in the good way either."

"Son, just tell him what's on your mind, he'll listen. He always has right? Good luck, and let me know what happens!" Rick made a face, squinting his eyes and grimacing.

After his dad left, he lay down again. His dad was almost out the door when Rick asked,

"Dad? If you had to choose between Kate and another woman? What would you do?" Edward smiled.

"Son, I think you know the answer to that question. Get some rest now."

Rick now knew what he had to do. He had to confront Alfonzo and be honest with his feelings. Even if Alfonzo said he wasn't gay and had a girlfriend, didn't necessarily mean that he was happy did it? There was more than one time, Rick really came right out and said he liked Alfonzo when they were alone together. It was a complicated situation.

He desperately hoped that it would get better soon. It would, once he saw Alfonzo again and cleared the air with him. Another possible thought occurred to him before he turned out the light. Maybe Alfonzo was in denial about his feelings for Rick.

Rick tried calling Derrick that night, but as usual, he didn't get an answer. He hung up and went to sleep, trying to put his misery out of his mind. He half hoped as he drifted back to sleep, that he would have another heavy romantic dream about him and Alfonzo, not him and Derrick.

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