Chapter 16 Wrecked Relationship

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Dexter sighed watching Alfonzo, and looked at his hand in Rick's, and how they looked at each other.

"You gotta give Alfonzo credit for his bravery Dexter." Said Edward under his breath.

"Guys, I'm happy that you two have found something special, and I'm not the one who's going to be splitting you two apart. That's going to be your mother's job Alfonzo. You know what she's like."

"How would I? I haven't seen her for over three years now. I never see her anymore, she's always away. Last time I heard she was in Thailand."

" Well she could come back anytime Alfonzo, and she won't accept you two. I strongly recommend ending this before you've gone in too deep in love with each other."

Rick looked at Dexter sadly and told him that he had already fallen in love with Alfonzo and never wanted to break up with him.

"Dexter, they obviously care about each other very much. Alfonzo's mother is probably not going to come any time soon. So why not let them have time together while they can? Besides, it's my wedding today. This room should be filled with nothing but love and happiness." Said Kate warmly. Dexter sighed heavily.

"All right, you two can be together, but I can't control my own sister. She's been a cruel heartless snob ever since she was a kid!"

"Dexter! I'm shocked!" Said Edward surprised. He would have thought that his sister was very much like her brother, strict, yet reasonable.


After more dancing and music went on, the dinner party started, and some close friends and family gave speeches for the new happy couple.

Rick was really happy now as he finally had Alfonzo as his boyfriend. They sat next to each other at the table and held hands underneath the table cloth. As Dexter was Edward's best man, he stood up to make a speech. Then Kate's father and mother did also. Edward's father wasn't at the wedding, he was away on business so he couldn't make it. After Kate's sister stood to make a speech, it was finally Rick's turn.

"Dad, Kate, remember the time I set you two up and turned our living room into a restaurant three years ago? Since then you've been crazy about each other and I can't be luckier to have such a sweet and beautiful step mom. Thanks for taking a chance on us Kate, and I really hope this is forever." Everyone clapped.

Oh, Derrick was still there but he didn't make a speech. In fact Rick could tell that he didn't want to be here anymore, though he was talking to Freddy, who looked tired, but he also looked like he was having a good time. Rick was so glad that Freddy came.


"I'm sorry about you and Rick." Said Freddy softly. Derrick looked at him, and he now could see his old friend looking paler than he used to. His hand was even shaking on the table.

"Don't be Freddy. It just wasn't meant to be between us. I only hope he and Alfonzo can work out."

"How can you be happy for them? Rick broke your heart didn't he? How can you not be angry?"

" Fine, I'm pissed satisfied? But I can't show him how mad I am because this is a special day for his parents." Freddy touched Derrick's hand, and was shocked, feeling how cold it was.

"Rick cares about you Derrick, if you found someone else he'd be happy for you. I'm sure if he could, he'd go back in time and have things happen differently. It's okay to still love him, and it's okay to still feel sad. Just please, don't feel badly about yourself, or make Rick think that you resent him. He'll need so much comfort and support soon."

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