Chapter 7 Forbidden Feelings

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The band started warming up their instruments when Steevey said,

"Hey Rick, I hear your dad is getting married. Congrats to them!"

"Thanks Steevy."

"Hey, I just had the best idea. Why don't we play for their wedding?!" It was Amanda who suggested this. Everyone was in on it, and Rick's dad happened to be going out to a meeting when Rick asked his dad what Amanda had just suggested. A bright smile came on his face and he put his arm around his son.

"Say guys, that's a terrific idea! We were gonna higher a string quartet but this is even better! I'll run it by my Fiancé' but I'm sure she'll love it too! Fiancé', did you hear that Rick? Kate is now my Fiancé!" Rick laughed and everyone chuckled.

"I've known for a while dad and I'm real happy for you. We're about to start practicing so..."

"Okay, I'm not here! Have fun guys! My Fiancé' is calling me! Coming honey!"

Everyone cracked up when he left and continued tuning up.

"Say Rick, your dad is a great guy. And it's great he's marrying Kate, about time too! But can you imagine guys, one woman for the rest of your life? The same woman every day and night?!" Brad asked.

"Actually I find it rather romantic. You get to see the person you love more than life every day, that, I find beautiful." Said Alfonzo. Rick smiled at him.

"Awww, honey boo!" Said Amanda and kissed him. Here, Rick looked down, feeling sick, remembering again what almost happened between them before the band arrived.

"Okay guys, before the love birds go at it, let's play huh?" Said Brad and started doing a wild solo jam on his guitar. Everyone told him to knock it off so they could get to work.

Amanda went over to Rick and handed him some sheets of music that she wrote, and one that Alfonzo wrote.

"A couple of these songs are love songs Rick. I think this one would be perfect for your parents wedding! It's called I Love You More Than Roses!" Rick scanned the sheet music, and read some of the lyrics to himself. He loved the song and thought they should work on that first.

"Great thank you! Who knows, maybe after your parents wedding I'll get famous!"


Soon after that, the band began figuring out some arrangements for the melody that Amanda wrote. During the time they were playing together, Rick couldn't keep his eyes off Alfonzo, as both he and Amanda were now the two main singers of the group. He had such a beautiful voice and it nearly made him cry. He was also thinking about Derrick again, and it was rather hard to play a love song when he was so lonely.

It took a rather long time for them to work out the chords that sounded just right with the melody, so after they finished that, they had a five minute break.

"I'm gonna get some coke guys, want some? I think there are snacks in the kitchen."

"To the kitchen!" Said Brad, pointing to the door. Everyone left but Rick, and Alfonzo. Here they were, alone again. But their almost kiss wasn't discussed yet.

"Rick what you're doing for your folks is really awesome, and playing my girlfriend's song, it's really good of you." Rick looked at him warmly.

"Sure Alfonzo, Amanda is a great girl, and I wish you all the best, and if one day you guys decide to get married, I'll play for your wedding." Every word seemed like such an effort to Alfonzo's ears. He was leaving when Alfonzo took his wrist.

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