Chapter 15 Love Blossoms In Long Island

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Rick was now standing near his dad, listening to the minister asking Edward and Kate if they wished to love and cherish each other till death do they part. Of course they both said, "I do," and Rick handed the ring to Dexter, who then gave it to his father, who gave it to the minister.

After they put their rings on each other's finger and gave their vows, they kissed. Rick was incredibly happy for his dad and desperately hoped this time he got married, it would last forever. After they kissed, Kate turned to hug her step son close. In his arms, Kate said softly,

"No matter who you end up with Rick, I hope you'll be desperately happy, like I am today."

"Thank you Kate, and I'm so happy you're my step mom. I love you."

"I love you too Rick. I couldn't have found a better husband or step son."

Kate was really beautiful today. Of course she was always beautiful but today on her wedding day, she looked even more beautiful.

Soon, the dancing began, and the chairs were moved away so they had more room. When Rick was watching them dancing, he felt sad again. Not only did he want to dance with Alfonzo, but as he looked to his left, he saw Freddy and his parents. Including Jenna by his side, holding his hand. Rick hadn't seen Freddy in a long time, and felt worried about his health, but he looked like he was having a good time.


The wedding went on, feeling like a dream almost. Rick knew it was time to get his band ready since they were the music entertainment for the party.

He got up on the platform, and Alfonzo joined, reluctantly of course, but he had no choice.

The band started playing two slow numbers first for the bride and groom, and then for the bride and her father. Rick watched Derrick while Alfonzo was singing. He was just standing in the corner sulking, not talking to anyone or dancing. He really looked depressed and he had every right to be. When Brad was in the middle of his guitar solo, Rick tapped Alfonzo's shoulder and said he was going to ask Derrick for a dance. Alfonzo nodded and ended up singing the rest of the song by himself.

Derrick was drinking some punch when Rick cleared his throat.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be up there singing?"

"I'd rather dance with you instead. Please Derrick? Can we just have one last dance?"

It took a while to persuade him, but finally Derrick allowed him to do so. They went to the dance floor, got into position and started stepping in time to the music. After a while Derrick said,

"Alfonzo's got a great voice. You're lucky to have him." Rick stared, his chest was pulsing fast.


"Come on Rick, don't think I can tell. I saw how you looked at him when you were up there at the altar with your dad. It's him right? He's the one you love now, not me."

Rick told him how sorry he was for not telling him about his feelings for Alfonzo sooner. Hurting Derrick was the last thing he wanted to do, or jeopardize their friendship the way it was, before they became boyfriends. Derrick heaved a great sigh as he continued to move with the rhythm to the love song.

"I guess, I really can't blame you Richard. I know you and I haven't actually been acting much like a boyfriend lately, I'm far away from you, and haven't had much time to write to you or call you. Things are hard for me since I'm still trying to adjust to my mom's boyfriend Norman, but we're getting to know each other more lately and he's a good guy." Rick smiled, loving when Derrick showed signs of maturing and being kind to people.

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