Chapter 21 The Exam

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It took a whole month and ten days for Rick to heal from his car accident that he had with Alex. Everyone went over to the hospital to visit him, and at home when he recovered, friends came and brought flowers and cards and gave best wishes too! Alfonzo of course was very faithful, and was over every day with a rose and a kiss, wishing he'd get well soon, so they could go on their first official date.

Someone came by who Rick didn't expect to come by at all, and that was Alex. He said over and over how sorry he was for what he did to him, and said he was going somewhere to get help for his drinking problem.

"I hope that's the last time you decide to drink Rick cause really, it does you no good. I guess you know by experience already." He said and flushed a little. Rick didn't smile at him but told him that he was glad he was off to get help. because clearly he needed it.

"Well that's really all I came by to say. I won't be seeing you for a time, as I'm going to a clinic, several hours from here. Take care okay?"

"I will. Bye Alex."

Rick weakly sat up on the sofa in order to get a glass of water when the doorbell rang.

"Can someone get that?!" Rick shouted. The door opened and to his great surprise stood Freddy and his mother. She said she was going to drop him off here but would be back to collect him later.

Rick saw that he was getting very good at finding his way by way of his guiding pole, and found his way to the couch and sat next to Rick and sat on top of his blankets.

"I wanted to give you this Rick, it's nothing special, just a get well card." Rick was glad Freddy couldn't see his tears as he opened the envelope.

~To my best friend,

~A sunny day is not sunny enough without your smile

~You are a gift to me, you make me laugh and help me try

~Like the water that helps flowers grow, may you heal and glow again

~so you can be the funny, happy friend, I know and love

Fondly yours,


Rick wiped his eyes as he looked at the beautiful card and enjoyed the poem he wrote, and the picture too! It had a sunflower with a smiley face on it, and the top was the sky, the bottom was the grass. The card itself was bought at the store, but Freddy wrote the poem himself! Rick learned a while ago that blind people use braille to both write and read, so naturally he was both touched and impressed. He would keep it forever. Freddy then spoke shyly saying,

"I'm not very good at it yet, so I'm still learning the knack of it."

"No, it's great Freddy, thank you so much." Rick half sobbed, taking him into his arms. He told him he missed him not being in the same school anymore, but Freddy didn't reply to this and asked about Alfonzo. Something warm and pleasant surged in his heart just then, hearing Alfonzo's name. He then explained what happened at the hospital when his boyfriend went to see him. Freddy smiled while listening peacefully and said he was incredibly happy for him.

"I just don't know if we can still work out though, given his mother and all. But we are promising each other that, we'll be together while we can, and we'll fight for our love if we need to."

Freddy smiled at this, and set his hand on his.

"I know you'll get through this Rick. You and Alfonzo are already crazy about each other, I can tell, and you'll win the battle you guys are having with Alfonzo's mother too. But Rick, I was really scared when I heard you were drinking. It's not like you at all." Poor Rick felt even more ashamed of himself now.

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