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“How do you know Lucy? Who the hell is Tiffany?” Tristan asked.

“Uh… I— I… she… uhm…” why on Earth was I stuttering? 

“Please speak to me.” He shoved the box aside to move closer to me, holding my hands that began to vibrate. 

“Tristan, I— I don’t… really… wh—”

“Hazel,” he called with his teeth gritted in frustration. 

“I— I— I’m… I don’t think she’s who… no, Lucy isn’t Tiffany. She just really looks like her.” I ended with a nervous smile, hoping he wasn’t going to press further.

“So who the hell is Tiffany? And why do you seem so scared to see her again?” He was starting to frown really hard. 

“Uh… she’s…” I was trying to think of the perfect way to describe Tiffany, but nothing sensible could fit. “Tristan, please forget it.”

“Forget it?!” He snapped, jerking to his feet and letting go of me. “What is it now? What are you hiding?” He was almost yelling. 

“Tristan, please.” My heart was pounding harder in my chest. 

“What is it, Hazel? What is wrong with your life? As much as I try my best to stay calm and be supportive, you’re not helping it. I always try to convince myself that you'll let me know whatever you’re hiding soon, you'll let me know at the right time, but I’m always wrong. You’re not ready to reveal anything to me. Don’t you trust me?!” 

“Tristan,” I called as tears streamed down my face.

“What is it, Hazel? I feel so confused at all times. There are so many secrets to be unveiled, so many things are making me feel like I’m going crazy. Ranging from mysterious text messages, phone calls, remaining quiet about everything… Hazel, don’t you realize I’m human? Don’t you realize these things can affect the trust in our marriage? Don’t you think I deserve to know the truth? Don’t you realize fear and doubts can roam in my head?” His tone and frown made my tears increase and I began to wail, burying my face in my palms. 

“Stop crying.” He patted my back. 

“I’m sorry, Tristan.” I sobbed at every sentence, “it’s not my intention to keep anything from you. It’s just—”

“It’s just what? Who calls you all the time with unknown numbers?” 

I raised my head to him, thinking of what to say, but I just couldn’t seem to trust myself to say anything, so I burst into another round of tears. 

“Of course you won’t say anything.” He gruffed, turning around; I held his hand to stop him from leaving. 

“Please don’t go.” 

He cast a dangerous glare at me, then threw my hands from his grip, storming out of the room. 

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