Chapter 51-60

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Chapter 51: The New Base
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In the haze, Du Jiujiu felt as if he had slept for a long time, and even began to have hallucinations.

How could I hear Xiaobai's cry, Xiaobai... it has already left...

At this moment, a fluffy touch suddenly came from her face, so soft and smooth.

Could it be that her little white is back?

Du Jiujiu tried hard to open his eyes, but his eyelids couldn't make up his mind.

She struggled for a while, but made no progress, and had to lie there honestly.

Although he couldn't move his body, Du Jiujiu, who had woken up, could already hear the voices around him.

Not far from her, there seemed to be two people arguing about something.

A voice she was familiar with, crisp and sweet, like a wind chime, was Wei Qingqing.

The other voice was a male voice she had never heard before.

This man's voice was very magnetic, but the frivolity in his laziness made her not like him at all.

"You...don't deceive people too much!" Wei Qingqing's voice was a little sullen.

"Oh? This is my territory, and the rules are naturally determined by me. If you don't want to, you can leave." The man's voice was still unhurried, with a slight smile.

"We have given you most of the supplies we have found in the past few days! Even if we doubled the food you lent us, we should have paid off so many things!" Wei Qingqing seemed to be annoyed by the man's attitude. also getting bigger.

"The borrowed things have been repaid, but I have protected you for so many days, and I am afraid that relying on your water for payment is not enough."

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who I have known for ten years, Mimi read! It’s so easy to use, I rely on this reading aloud and listening to books to pass the time before driving or going to bed. You can download it here ]

"Who, who wants your protection! It's just for a few days, you... why don't you go grab it!?"

"Little sister, I don't have time to argue with you here. Tomorrow afternoon at the latest, don't blame me for being cruel." The man's voice gradually became colder.


As the voices of the two of them fell, the outside world gradually returned to silence, and only the sound of Wei Qingqing's irritable footsteps could be heard.

Du Jiujiu was still unable to move at this time, and could only close his eyes and think about their current situation from the voice he heard just now.

Their location should be indoors, the room is large, and echoes can be heard when they speak.

However, it is very cold here, and you can't feel the warmth of the spring sunshine at all.

"This...isn't this the subway station we originally wanted to go to?" Du Jiujiu was a little surprised.

Du Jiujiu vaguely remembered that Hu Xiaoyun and An Cheng were both injured before she fell unconscious.

She couldn't imagine that in such a hurry, with only the remaining few people, she could take them through the green belt of the campus that had become like a forest.

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