Chapter 191-200

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Chapter 191
Turn off the lights and protect the eyes     font: large, medium and small

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The place where she saw it was full of red flowers, strange and beautiful, but when she saw the layers of white bones covered under the crimson, a chill suddenly spread from her back to the top of her head, making the drowsy just now. Instantly disappeared without a trace.

"Why, how come there are so many bones here, can this flower eat people!??"

Wei Qingqing grabbed the front of Du Jiujiu's clothes beside her, and lay on her shoulders, her voice trembling a little.

"This possibility is not ruled out." Du Jiujiu whispered, patted Wei Qingqing's hand lightly for comfort, and then said to Luo Yucheng: "Brother Luo, close the car window, the pollen from these mutant flowers is very likely It will be poisonous, we still have to be just in case.”

When the surrounding windows were closed tightly, everyone felt that their chests began to feel stuffy.

"What are we going to do now? These flowers have bloomed in such a large area, blocking the entire road. If we go around, it may be dark. Even if we have time to detour, we can't carry these two. The car goes so far!"

In the small space, An Cheng tapped the car window with his slender fingers, frowning tightly.

"I'm afraid it's impossible to detour now. Let's think of a way. If it really doesn't work, we can only abandon the car and walk."

"Ah!? No, no, you can't abandon the car, we will definitely find a way!"

After hearing the words "abandon the car" from Hu Xiaoyun's mouth, Wei Qingqing's head suddenly shook like a rattle, but after a while, she didn't see any good solution.

Du Jiujiu smiled helplessly, sighed and said:

"Well, I'll go down and see what their abilities are. If they're not that powerful, I'll let Sister Xiaoyun set them on fire."

"Sister Jiujiu, don't get out of the car, you said just now that they might be poisonous, it's too dangerous!" Wei Qingqing saw Du Jiujiu turn around and quickly grabbed her arm.

"It's alright, look what I have." Du Jiujiu smiled mysteriously at Xiao Mo, then turned around and dug out from the backpack that was accompanying her for a while, and when she turned around, she saw a 3M mask on her face.

"Jiujiu, are you Tinkerbell? How can there be such a thing in a backpack!?" An Cheng couldn't help laughing. Since the end of the world, her backpack has only been filled with food, medicine, and metals used as materials. The most important thing to her, I didn't expect that there would be such a seemingly useless thing in Du Jiujiu's backpack.

However, she didn't know that since Du Jiujiu ate it in front of the hallucinogenic peach tree, she had always been afraid of this flowering plant, and she always kept a pack of masks in her backpack for emergencies. I thought that these masks would be of no use, but I didn't expect to play a role before arriving in the imperial capital.

Even though the mouth and nose were tightly covered by the mask, Du Jiujiu could still feel a very small amount of pollen seeping in through the gap between the mask and the bridge of the nose by the wind after getting off the bus.

The sweet and greasy scent of flowers made her feel a little dizzy, but after all, the amount of pollen was extremely small, and her physical fitness was amazing, such a slight dizziness would not have much impact on her in a short time. .

Du Jiujiu gestured to the people in the car, telling them not to get out of the car, while he cautiously approached the flowers with the knife in his hand.

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