Chapter Four

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I was trying to read a good book before I fell asleep and forgot everything that happened today, returning to the comfort of my dreams. But that was hard to do when I would hear her sobbing all night, gasping for air and a few thumping noises. I knew she was probably only hitting her dolls or her pillow, I knew that she would apologize to them afterwards. That was one of the many reasons why I loved her so much.

So I didn't sleep, I stayed awake with my ear pressed against the door of her bedroom, waiting for her to doze off to sleep before I would eventually allow myself to, too. When I was sure she was asleep, I walked into her bedroom, locked her windows and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"Daddy loves you, so so much." I whispered and she gave me her back.

I sighed before leaving the room and quietly closing the door. I snuggled up under my covers and was about to fall asleep when I suddenly got a phone call.

"Hello?" I answered groggily. Who would possibly call at this time? It was 3 a.m. for God's sakes.

"Do you love your daughter?" I heard a voice at the end of the line, it was soft, almost familiar. My eyes widened as millions of thoughts and questions plagued my mind all at once.

"Who is this?" I asked as I got out of bed, and started pacing around the room aimlessly.

"Just answer the question." the voice hissed.

I paused for a few moments, thinking it over. What did this person want? How could they possibly know me, let alone Vienna? We hardly set foot outside our home.

"I'm guessing that you do." The voice croaked, "Meet me tomorrow at the Carlton Park at 2 pm sharp, or you'll regret it." And with that, they hung up.

After all of the events that happened that horrific night, I gave up on sleep altogether.


The next morning I had laid out her favorite breakfast; blueberry pancakes, a nice cheesy omelet and orange juice. She came out of bed a little more late than usual, her eyes were puffy and her hair was messy. She was still beautiful in my eyes.

She glanced at me, and I smiled at her warmly. She scowled, took her plate of pancakes, and literally ran back to her bedroom, locking it this time. I sighed heavily.

I ate anyways, went to my bedroom to get ready, and then I was gone.


There was a woman waiting for me, sitting at a bench, she was dressed in a heavy coat, dark sunglasses and a scarf covering her neck and lips. She looked so familiar, and at the sound of her sultry voice greeting me I thought I knew who she was, but that would be impossible, preposterous to even think about.

"Hello, Harry." She drawled.

I gulped softly, "How did you know my name?"

"I know many things, Harry Edward Styles. I know that your parents are deceased, that you have been locking yourself in your home for years, that your uncle runs the business now because you gave it up to him once you found a new responsibility." She said. I was shocked at her information.

"Do I know you?" I asked softly. She knew so much about me, and that could definitely be a potential threat. Especially to Vienna.

Even though I couldn't see her lips, I could hear the smile in her voice. "Maybe." She replied mysteriously.

I sighed shakily, looking down at my hands. It was a mistake for me to come here.

"You adopted her because you felt like you were missing something, right? Perhaps it was a person, even. Am I right, Harold?" She said, her tone dripping with amusement and perhaps even a hint of anger.

Bits and pieces of my past life, the doomed one that I'd experienced before meeting my little angel plagued me, and I found my hands just shaking as I remembered just what she was hinting at in a hauntingly clear mirage of images.

"What do you want?" By now my voice was croaking.

She placed her perfectly manicured hand onto my knee, "I need your help in something, very, very important."

"Just spit it out." I hissed, slapping her hand away. I do not like to be touched, especially by crazy manipulative women.

She raised her dark eyebrows at my behavior, but the amused lilt in her voice never ceased. "I want revenge on someone who hurt me very, very much. And you're just the key to getting what I want." She said, her hands moving to my face, stroking my smooth jawline.

"What do you fucking want, Goddamnit!" I was losing my temper. She was like a fucking fortune cookie.

"Calm down, darling. It's only a matter of time before you figure it out all by yourself." She said, and with that, she had gotten up and left me to my swarm of wild thoughts.

I just sat there by myself for what seemed like an eternity, trying to process what had just happened in my mind. A small part of me knew who she was, no matter how crazy and impractical it seemed. After all, there was only one person in the world who had called me darling like that, in a way that would make my blood curl and my head dizzy. And that person was..

"Emelia." I muttered the answer to myself, and just like that I had destroyed the thin wall standing between the past and present, the denial was thinning out, and I was overcome with memories. Memories so painful, so intoxicating. I knew in that moment I could never face them again, or not alone at least.

I needed my angel.


Thats the longest chapter yet omg, did you like it?

Also, who do you portray Vienna as? Please dont say lucy hale, lilly collins, kaya whateverherlastnameis or adelaide.

Thank you for reading, lovelies❤️❤️

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