Chapter 18

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I'm addicted to you!
Hooked on your love,
Like a powerful drug
I can't get enough of,
Lost in your eyes,
Drowning in blue
Out of control,
What can I do?
I'm addicted to you!

I sighed heavily, closing my eyes tightly as I convinced myself that I was doing the right thing. But before I could give in to my doubts the other line picked up.

"Hello? This is Ellie from Stonar Private Boarding School for Girls' reception. How may I help you?"

"Yes, hello. I am Harry Styles, I wanted to submit my daughter, Vienna into this school by tomorrow. Is that possible?"

I crossed my fingers and toes, hoping she would say no since this was very last moment and I doubt it would work if Stonar was really as busy a school as it claimed.

"Oh! Yes! Of course. We had one seat open for someone but they unexpectedly changed their mind yesterday, so it's only fair that we still make use of it. Your name is Mr. Styles, you told me? Where do you live?"

She asked me a few private questions here and there and then told me the submission form was ready and I just needed to mail them the money with my signature then I could drive her there tomorrow.

I can't believe how easy this was. It's almost as if it was planned by someone..

"Harry?" Vienna's soft voice purred my name in a prolonged manner.

"Just a second dear." I said as I saved their number.

"Don't keep me waiting, daddy." She drawled and I sighed.

"What is it?" I looked up, regretting when I did because my eyes almost popped out of my skull and my pants suddenly felt too tight.

She was wearing nothing but a light pink bra and panties that complimented her body greatly. She looked like an angel, and I didn't want to be the devil that damned her. I  gulped, my mouth suddenly felt like The Sahara Desert.

I stood up. "Vienna, go to your room." I glared at her. This only upset me. She was playing with my sinful mind, as if it was a game.

She pouted, "Why?" Slowly, she peeled away the straps of her bra. "Don't you like this?"

I started to walk towards her with a grim expression etched onto my face.

The tips of her ruby red lips turned up as I stood right in front of her, my hot breath hitting her rosy cheeks as she smirked deviously, leaning it. "I know you do."

I slammed her against the wall. "Don't." I growled at her. Her breathing hitched and I could feel the speed of her pulse madden as I pinned her wrists above her head. She hummed in satisfaction and smiled, as if she enjoyed it.

"This.. This isn't funny, Vienna." I hissed, trying not to let my eyes wander from hers. "This isn't like you. I don't like what you're doing. You keep forgetting that this is wrong and you must stop it so that we could continue our lives the way we're supposed to, as father and daughter."

"You're not my real father!" She blurted suddenly, as if the last sentence offended her so much. Then it hit me, she was just a child. She knew nothing about her past family of wealthy inheritors and she knew no one in the world to guide her. No one to tell her this was wrong. No one but me..

She smiled maniacally. "Harry, you're not actually my father. What father kisses his daughter like that? And what daughter enjoys it so much? Face it, Harry. We were meant to be lovers. You can't deny what's before your eyes. You want me, I know it because I need you like a person needs oxygen. You can tell me this is wrong a thousand times but the wild pounding of my heart tells me another story. How could this be wrong when it feels so good just to be in your arms? How could this be so wrong when it feels so right? The gods cannot punish us like this, we've done nothing wrong, so it must mean we're being rewarded. It's fate, Harry, and we must stop fighting it before it kills us. Please, I know you've been so lonely all these years and I've never felt something like this before." Her eyes welled with tears suddenly, "I used to feel disgusted with myself for thinking of you like this but now that I know you feel it too, then I will no longer be ashamed.."

"Vienna." I whispered breathily. Pushing her hair behind her ears as we stared into each other's eyes with magnetic attraction. She was shaking softly, my heart was thumping wildly, our entwined hands were sweaty but still holding each other strongly.

"No. Don't. This may be a horrible sin, but you're worth a thousand sins." She got into her tiptoes, her soft lips brushing against mine as she looked up into my eyes insecurely, begging me to just let go of my guilt.

"And if one sin would get me closer to you, then so be it. I'd sin for you." She finished. My desires burned through their barriers and before I could register what I was doing I cupped her face and kissed were with a fiery urgency, her fingers immediately raking through my hair as I picked her up by her waist, stumbling into her bedroom and then into her bed, making it creak loudly and her teddy bears to squeak. We simply laughed and pushed them off as I positioned myself on top of her, kissing down her chin, to her neck, to...

"Mr. Styles? This is Ellie from Stonar speaking. Could you please pick up? It turns out there are still some arrangements to be made that I forgot about. Mr. Styles? Mr. Styles?!" The answering machine boomed.

"What is that?" Vienna whispered, gasping as I left swelling love bites in her neck, my fingers urgently working their way up her smooth thighs.

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing.." I murmured. Once I've tasted her sweet skin, I couldn't stop. My passion was a lion which had just escaped from it's cage, and I could never stop it now.

And it was nothing indeed, I forgot about it completely and my mind refused to pick it up. My selfish tendencies took over, I didn't want her to go to a stupid boarding school, I wanted her to be with me forever. I know I'll be damned, but I'm too deep into this to care. I'm too lost in her.

"G-good." She managed out between her soft moans, her cheeks burning up as I pleasured her.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked her, looking into her eyes and searching them for any clue of regret. I found none.

She nodded quickly, biting her lip. "Positive." She giggled as tipped her head back and let out a loud uncontrollable groan.

And then there was no going back, we could not fight it this time. Maybe Vienna was right, it was fate, it was written in the stars. I'm going to Hell anyway so it god damn better be worth it.

I kissed her and touched her everywhere, enjoying the urgent moans that were escaping her throat. She was my princess and I was going to give her everything I could. Finally, when I couldn't take it any longer, I plunged inside her, enjoying her warmth around me. I rocked her and she grabbed me, urging me to never let her go, and letting ger go was the last thing I would do.

As we melted into the heat of our passions, I replayed what she had said earlier into my mind, over and over again;

I'd sin for you..




thoughts? 🍪

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