Chapter 20

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Emelia sat in the bed of the small motel room, shaking a little but not allowing it to show. She didn't want to seem weak. Especially not in Reese's eyes.

 He will always love her, no matter what happens, even though she betrayed him and left him in the very end. But that is not the same case for her. When she got pregnant with Daisy, she realized that she could not afford to be selfish anymore. When Reese found out that she had Harry's baby, he couldn't be more ecstatic. It meant that his lover hadn't left him because she fell out of love with him or anything, it was just responsibility being a pain in the ass once again. It also gave him a free ticket to manipulate his way back to their lives, especially after he found out about Vienna. It was as if he had hit the jackpot. 

 "I can't believe you", she whispered, tears springing to her eyes as she shook her head at him in disgust. "She was an innocent child, how could you do this to her? Have you no dignity? Harry was just starting to trust me, my life was starting to become normal again! I wish I had never picked up the phone the day you first called me."

 "Now now", Reese began with a horrifying smile, a few shadows were cast on his hauntingly beautiful face, making his cheekbones appear more angular and his eyes a scarier shade of green. "There's no need to say such hurtful things, my love. What good is a normal life? It is the chaos in a life that defines it. Live a little, you used to be so daring in your youth", he jutted his plump lower lip out in a pout, cupping her face gently, then his grasp turned a little rough. "I'm only doing this because I love you. You love me too, don't you?" his hands started to shake as he stared at her sadly. 

 A small salty tear escaped her eyes, trailing down her cheek. But Reese did not care. He was starting to become angry with her hesitance. "Answer me!" He bellowed.

 She looked away from him, to the sight of her sleeping daughter. To the naked eye, it would appear that she was sleeping peacefully, sucking on her thumb like the cute little girl she was. You would never notice that Reese had put an unhealthy amount of sleeping pills in her drink, causing her to fall on the floor and whisper her mother's name for help as she closed her eyes and succumbed to a deep slumber.

 Emelia was scared. She never should have trusted Reese. She let out a loud sob, nodding her head quickly. "I do", her voice cracked as she stared at her daughter sadly, "I love you too."

 He smiled slowly. "Good. I am so glad we're working together again. You picked the right choice, for if you, God forbid, disagreed with me, or warned Harry perhaps, we both know what would have happened.." He murmured, glancing at the young girl curled up in the couch. 

 But what could Emelia do about it? Her psycho ex-lover was hungry for blood and revenge, a few hours prior he had a knife against her neck and threatened to kill her and her daughter if she didn't tell him everything she knew about Harry. When she found out he had planted a bomb in the boarding school she had suggested to Harry, she knew the youthful and playful person he used to be a few years ago was long gone.

 "You got everything you wanted. The girl is probably dead, and her father is probably going mad right now. Aren't you satisfied with yourself? Can't you forget about us and leave us alone now?"

 "But, my love," he pouted again, "The girl never really died. I'll have to work harder next time.. I do not know what happened, but maybe he had overslept and forgotten it was time for him to send her to school, maybe he got stuck in traffic, but either way, maybe it wasn't his fate to lose her that day. Now he knows she's in danger, so it'll be slightly harder to get what I want now.. but, I have a secret weapon.." He rambled on.

What secret weapon? Emelia just shuddered at the thought. She realized she did not want to know.

 "She's not dead?" She let out a sigh of relief. She never thought she'd be so happy over that obnoxious child staying alive. 

 He frowned. "Why do I get the feeling that you are on their side? You wouldn't dare do such a thing, right?" he plopped himself on the bed next to her. She screamed as he whipped a knife out from his pocket. Her heart was being wildly. She did not think this was the way she'd be sent to her grave.

 He lowered the weapon closer to a dangerous vein in her wrist. At that moment, she almost stopped breathing out of fear. Not for herself, but rather her daughter. Emelia hadn't returned to her selfish antics ever since the day she found out she was pregnant. She would never be the same. Of course, maybe she manipulated Harry for his money but it was only to ensure that she had enough money to rely on herself to get Daisy whatever she wanted. 

 Suddenly, she heard the noise of the sharp object tearing into something. But it wasn't her flesh that it was tearing into, but rather the rope that was suffocating her wrists. He had untied her and handed her the knife. Her eyes widened. She thirsted for the chance to catch him in his most vulnerable state and stab him til the life fled his eyes. She throbbed with Adrenaline. This was her chance.

 But her brain warned her not to act on impulse. And then, with a sad wariness, she realized this was a test. He wanted to test her loyalties. He wasn't stupid enough to hand her a weapon without ensuring that whatever her choices were, it would still lead to a gain for him. The hope in her eyes left and never looked back. She knew it was either she succumb to him, or die trying to kill him, risking both her and her daughter's lives. She bit into her inner cheek harshly. 

With shaking hands, she slowly set the knife down, tears gathering up in her eyes, clouding her vision. 

He let out a sigh of relief. "Oh, my smart, beautiful lover. I knew you'd stay with me. I knew it, I knew it.." he murmured as he pulled her in, kissing her again and again as her tears fell into their joined lips, "I was so afraid I'd have to kill you and your little duckling. Of course, it was something that would have to be done had you actually tried to put that knife to my neck, but it would have still pained me to do such a thing. I'm glad, I'm so glad," he shook her roughly, his grin spreading from ear to ear, his eyes glinting dangerously as she choked on a heavy sob, "I'm so glad you chose the winning side.."



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