Chapter 21

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"Fuck, I missed you so much." I murmured to her as I stared at her sweet form through the laptop screen.

She giggled, a small blush creeping up her neck. I thought it was quite adorable whenever I flustered her like this. "I missed you too, Zayn."

I was glad she finally opened up to me. She'd been acting strange all week. She even looked different, somehow. I wondered what had happened, I even asked but she simply ignored me and looked away.

"Oh, Zayn." She sighed softly, "I'm so happy. Harry's been very good to me lately. Like, not too overprotective or controlling like he usually is.. I think-"

I stopped listening after she said that bastard's name. "Vienna, you know how I feel about that guy." I said sternly as my mind replayed the events of that night where he had beat me to a bloody pulp just because I was kissing her.

I mean, something's not right about him. What kind of "father" would lock his "daughter" up for years, never telling her about her past or family or anything about the world? I know fathers were meant to be protective over their children, but this was too far.

She visibly tensed up. "Zayn, you don't know how he's like. I might be the only one in this world who's figured him out."

I shook my head. "Why are you defending him? Are you forgetting that this is the same guy who won't even tell you what your parent's names are? You're just setting up this perfect image about him just to ease yourself into thinking that everything's normal. Come on. You know he's a psycho-"

"Don't talk about him that way!" She yelled suddenly. My eyes widened. Something was definitely off about her. Usually her reaction whenever I'd badmouth her adoptive father was to just laugh and brush it off. Something was really, really off.

"Whatever, Vee, but I really think you should ask him who your parents were." I said, staring at her as she adjusted her webcam and sighed softly.

"Why are you suddenly asking this of me? Is there something you know that I don't?" She inquired. My blood ran cold.

"No. No! Nothing of the sort. Just.. Take care of yourself, Vienna." I said nervously as I smiled sadly and hovered my mouse over the "end" button. "I really have to go. My brother's calling me." I lied.

"Wait! Zayn!" She said. I looked up at her.

"Umm, if there's something you know.. A-about my family. Could you.. Tell me about it?" She asked hesitantly.

I felt like shit, to say the least.

"I would, but I know nothing." I said and hastened to end the call, sighing as I stared at the now empty screen.

"In time, I'll tell you." I mumbled to no one in particular.



"I made you some food, Vi-" I started as I opened the door, but when she had started to tense up I realized that something must've been wrong. I scanned my surroundings. She was holding up the laptop halfway open, as if she was about to close it, but when she saw me she simply slammed it close and her cheeks started to burn up.

"Ever heard of knocking?" She scowled.

I raised my eyebrow at her and invited myself in, sitting on the bed and staring at her obviously tense form. "What's wrong?"

She sighed heavily. "Nothing. Just.. get out. I need some privacy."

I laughed softly and grabbed both of her hands, forcing her to look at me. "Tell me, before I make you tell me."

She opened her mouth to protest, but when she saw the daring look I sent her she had immediately clamped it shut. She knew full well that I could make her do anything I wanted to, if I tried.

"This is exactly why I'm angry. You're so.. You're so.. Manipulative! Like I'm some kind of lifeless pet that has no feelings of it's own. Like a bird that's trapped in a cage of lies. Like-" her eyes widened when I pressed my lips against hers. She fluttered her eyes shut and melted against my lips before suddenly breaking us apart, pressing her small hands against my chest and pushing me away with all the strength she's summoned.

"This is so strange. I'm so confused. I feel so lost and you're not helping me one bit. I-I don't even know who to trust anymore." Her eyes started to fill with the brim with tears, "I just hate not knowing anything. I mean, in the past I was so ignorant and I didn't even want to know but now.." She had trouble regulating her breathing. "I think you're ruining me."

"Shhh. Calm down, angel." I murmured with a small smile. I loved watching her get so confused, it was adorable.

"No." She shook her head as her eyes widened with realization, "No, he was right. You are a control-freak. You always resort to comforting me to get away from my questions. You.. You're a psycho!"

"Vienna, calm-"

"NO! No! Please! Just get away from me! Get away from me!" She cried out, tears pouring from her crystal blue eyes like mini waterfalls. I pulled her into my chest, rubbing her back as I buried my face into her neck and discreetly inhaled her familiar vanilla scent. At first she started to pound her little fists against my torso, but that only tickled me more than it hurt me, so I kept on hugging her until she caved in like she always did.

She sobbed into my chest for a few moments before she calmed down. "Sorry that was sudden." She sniffled, "I.. I just want to sit down and talk with you for a bit."

I blinked at her a couple of times. I wondered what was going through her head, but decided against it; I knew that no matter how much I tried, it would always be her thoughts that were the only thing she could keep hidden away from me.

"Go ahead then." I smiled at her as she sniffled a bit. She stared at me, as if I was a puzzle, and then sighed and settled on one question;

"Why have you been keeping me at home for weeks? What's going on? Why are you suddenly so against me going to school?"

I wished I could tell her, but I knew that if I told her I would lose her. And I could not risk losing the one thing I actually had control over.

I smiled. "The school's just sent me an email, something about Winter Break starting earlier than usual. There's nothing wrong with spending more quality time with me while it lasts, right?" I lied smoothly with a smile.

And just for a moment, I saw a hint of skepticism fawn over her gentle features, before being replaced with a look of understanding. "Right." She smiled slowly.

"See? Problem solved." I grinned as I pulled her to my chest for another hug. This time she did not struggle.


Sorry I haven't been updating lately.

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