Chapter 11

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"What do you mean I'm not allowed to come in? DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!"

I slapped my palm over my mouth as I burst into a fit of chuckles at the outburst I heard outside, no doubt coming from a very furious Emelia.

"Mommy doesn't seem very happy." I heard a frail voice murmur, I looked around, searching for it's owner and then had to lower my gaze to find a tiny child, nervously biting her nails.

"Hello there." I greeted, my jaw dropping as I studied the girl. She was the splitting image of her mother. She had golden hair and forest green eyes, which she may have inherited from me. It was a strange feeling, discovering that you had fathered another human being, but it was an even stranger feeling to have this person right in front of you.

I am at loss for words as she sheepishly starts to walk towards me until she is right in front of me. For some reason, she presses her finger to my cheek. I found myself smiling, and she simply smiled back, revealing her fallen front tooth.

"Why is there a hole in your cheek?" She asked me as she fingered my dimples.

"Why is there a hole in your cheek?" I shot back with a smirk as my eyes darted to the carving in her cheek.

She huffed softly, "Fair enough. Do you know where my daddy is? My mommy said I'm supposed to meet him in here."

"I'm afraid that would be me." I answered her.

She took a few steps back, analyzed me, shook her head and said. "Whoa. Your hair is better than mommy's, but pwease don't tell her I said that."

We spent the next hour sitting cross legged on the carpet as we talked about, well, anything. She told me about her classmates and imaginary friend, Leah, while I began to braid her hair.

She took out one of my red pens and scribbled something onto my hand, "Don't read it until you go home." She pinched my ear when I rebelled against her wishes and tried to peek at it.

When the time came up, her mother sent the secretary to take her from me, informing me that she will come over next week, and also said that there was something else she had told her to tell me but she simply could not utter it around a child as young as Daisy.

"Goodbye, Daisy." I said to her whilst giving her a goodbye hug.

"Goodbye, Daddy." She whispered and then ran away to her awaiting mother.


"So, I asked Lilly for a shop suggestions, and she said the weirdest thing. Victoria's Secret. I mean, who is this Victoria? What is her secret, is it like a secret store or something?" Vienna blabbered on since she entered the car.

I found myself chuckling at her, "Victoria's Secret is the name of the shop."

She eyed me skeptically. "How did you know about it?"

I sighed softly. "Vienna, it is not a secret. Trust me, babygirl."

"On the other hand, how was your day?" She asked me with a smile, forcing herself to accept the disappointing truth.

I smiled to myself as I looked down at the scribbling on my palm, 'I lav you' was written. I chuckled to myself at her incorrect spelling, "It was wonderful." I murmured.

Vienna followed my gaze and frowned.


Her mouth resembled an 'O' as her eyes wandered around the mall. She seemed so distracted, curious about the city people's natural habitat. She stared at the people in awe, and I quickly realized it was because she had never seen so many people in her life.

I held her hand tightly, fearing she might stray away. "You're hurting me." She would pout up at me, and I would soften my grip.

I saw a familiar head of hair in the midst of a large crowd. I squinted, half hoping it was the person I thought it was and half hoping it wasn't. I shook my head at myself as the person's dark green eyes caught mine, "No way." I laughed to myself.

"Impossible." I muttered as the head disappeared into the crowd the way the sun would disappear into the clouds on a windy day.

I tightened my grip again when we reached the dreaded shop, and she rolled her eyes at me, dragging me inside.

I let Vienna run wild around the shop while I glanced around with a poorly masked look of utter discomfort. She weaved her way through lace bras, thongs that could make you cringe, and lingeries that looked like medieval torture devices. I failed to see how my babygirl would need any of these, she could look like both an angel and a devil in just her cotton nightgown. She could make a hundred men slip over their drool simply by just letting her hair down. She had the power to bring any man to their knees, just by the blink of an eye.

But I would never allow that to happen.

Still, I could not help but imagine her dressed in the dark lingerie I was eyeing right now. It would grace her petite body, hug her endless curves and accentuate her bold beauty. I imagined her taking elegant steps towards me and planting herself on me lap, her plump bottom lightly brushing against my lap as she smiled at me devilishly and pulled me close, making me surrender to my desires. I knew if she ever wore it, I would never be able to control myself around her. But this was all an endless pit of silly fantasies, locked up in a twenty seven year old man's dark mind, and they would stay the way they merely are; fantasies.

So imagine my surprise when she picked up the silky material of the very lingerie I was staring at and dropped it to her shopping basket, all whilst smirking at me. "I think that one would look pretty, wouldn't it?"

I gulped at her and looked away. Her smirk got bigger.

I'm in deep shit.

We walked to the changing rooms and she insisted that I wait for her right outside it.

I could see the judgmental eyes of the sales woman, following us wherever we went. She stared at us with a thinly covered vileness. She must have been wondering, why is this man, hanging off the edge of his twenties, helping this young innocent dove while she picked out her garments? What a pedophile!

"Daddy?" She called out to me. Immediately, these insecure thoughts jumped off a cliff once I saw her head popping out of the curtains of her changing room, "Will you please close this for me? I can't reach it." She said.

My eyes travelled down her body, clad in the black lingerie I was shamelessly imagining her in, earlier. She looked almost the same as she had in my head, only better. I found it hard to swallow my saliva.

I knew that this time, I wouldn't be able to control myself.


Ok Harry.

I'm really sorry but could you guys help me get this chapter to 15 votes? It's ok if you guys don't, I'm used to not getting my goals. *sniffles* *looks away* *looks into your eyes* but i'd be very happy if you do, however..

Thank you all for reading! Xx

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