Chapter 15

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I stayed silent, my thoughts swarming around my head like bees around a beehive. I could not think straight. But I knew one thing for sure..

Vienna's smile faded as her eyes followed my gaze. Instinctively, she covered the reddened patch of skin with her palm, but the damage was already done.

"D-daddy. I am so so sorry but you have to hear me out!" She started to quiver in fear and back away slowly, preparing herself to feel the wrath of my anger. She knew I would never physically harm her but something told me my words hurt her more than that ever would.

I edged a little closer and she backed away until her back was against the wall.

I pressed my finger under her chin, making her look up at me. But it wasn't in a forcible way, just a gentle way. I stared into the stormy pits of her eyes, caressing her cheek as I murmured;

"I don't care."

"What?" She asked, her lips parting in shock. I could tell she wasn't even sure she was hearing right.

At most days I would bellow with anger until my face turned red and I would sadden her so much that she'd turn away from me and lock her room for days.

But those days are over.

Of course, my heart was broken at the thought that she'd been seeing someone all this time but ruining our newly blossoming relationship would not exactly mend it.

I nodded, "I don't care, Vienna. I really, really do not care. Do whatever you want. It doesn't matter anyway. This is just the way you're expected to act and I should just accept that you're growing up. And I think I should let this matter go."

"But-" she blinked in bewilderment.

"I forgive you." I whispered as I rubbed my thumb through the apple of her cheeks, "This has happened before and it's not worth getting angry about. I don't want things to end the way they did the last time something like this happened."

Vienna smiled very slowly, biting her lip gently. I could tell she was pleased that I was letting this go.

There was a shift in the atmosphere as I leaned in, my nose brushing against hers playfully and smiling back at her. She slowly closed her eyes and pluckered her lips, going on her tiptoes.

"But.. You're still grounded." I said with a smirk as I pulled away.

Her eyes snapped open and I watched as all the love from them blew away, getting replaced with something more.. urgent. I gave her my back and started to head towards the stairs. Suddenly, I was attacked, I felt my back hit the wall and the back of my neck grabbed forcibly.

I looked up, and I had no time to register what was happening because the thing I was yearning to do had just happened by itself. The thing I was so ashamed of, the thing I dreamt about every night restlessly. The thing that was a sin to even think about, yet a guilty pleasure engraved in my head.

Vienna was now kissing me.

The barrier of my fight against my desire for her slowly dissipated as her lips pressed against mine. She kissed me like she meant it. She kissed me like she needed it, like her life depended on it.

And then my lips were moving in perfect sync against hers before my mind could keep up, and I flipped our position, she was now against the wall as I cupped her cheeks, kissing her with a fiery passion. She smiled into the kiss and my low groan sunk into it as her fingers trailed down my chest and she started to trace my abs.

I could feel her smirk, satisfied with the control she had over me. We pulled away and she tugged me by the collar, pushing me onto the couch and hovering over me. I placed my hands on her hips. I could not think about how wrong this was. My body had taken control, and it was going overdrive.

She leaned in, crashing her lips against mine as I gently sat up, tracing patterns against the exposed skin of her hips. She shuddered at the action. I tugged at her bottom lip with my teeth, making a soft moan escape her parted lips as she started to tug at the end of my shirt furiously. Our lips moved more quickly, more urgently against each other, our tongues finding each other and playing a tug of war. We almost melted at the heat of our passion, but then I gripped the reins again, holding both of her hands and pulling away gently.

We stared at each other, and I could see it in her eyes. She could not interpret what just happened. I didn't know if I was happy or if I absolutely hated myself now.

"Am I still grounded now?" The girl, who was now a woman to me, said with a sly smile.



Vienna {H.S}Where stories live. Discover now