Chapter 14

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I froze, my fingers finding their way to each other as I fiddled with the rings on them nervously,

"Mr. Styles?" My secretary, Nancy repeated, trying to grasp my attention.

I was still weighing in on my choices when I saw my Nancy being pushed out of the doorway as a young figure took her place, barging in, clearly uninvited. She did not seem too happy, but it seemed that I was getting used to this.

"I told you to stay out until Mr. Styles expressed his consent for you to come in! You have no right to come in here like this!" Nancy yelled, she masked her intimidation as she straightened up and took a step towards my little girl.

"I have more of a right to be in here than her." Vienna hissed, pointing at the blond woman seated next to me.

But she merely reacted in amusement, her thin lips curling into a taunting smile. "Darling," she drawled, "I do not know who you are, and frankly I do not care, but do you realize that I may be his most important priority right now?"

Vienna furrowed her eyebrows together, glancing in between the both of us as I avoided eye contact.

"That's it! I'm calling security!" Nancy yelled, throwing her hands up in frustration and starting to advance towards her cubicle until I mumbled,


"But sir-" She started.

"Don't." I repeated, my voice louder. She mumbled an apology and left the room, closing the door quietly behind.

I opened my mouth, but that was of no use. I was in a dire situation. The tension was so thick it could be cut with a knife. Here I was, standing in between my foul mouthed ex-girlfriend and my adopted daughter, who did not seem to be enjoying each other's company at the moment.

"Vienna, you need to sit down right now so we could discuss this properly." I said.

Emelia raised her eyebrows so it resurfaced under her bangs. "You know this girl?"

My bottom lip found its way between my teeth. It did not help the situation that Emelia latched her hand around my arm protectively as she glared at the younger girl ahead of us.

"I don't care that you do. She's bothering me.." She whispered into my ear as she traced patterns onto my muscular bicep, "I want her out."

"Get your filthy hands off of him." Vienna hissed and with Emelia being Emelia, she merely tightened her grip on me.

"Why, is this bothering you?" She whispered, batting her thick lashes innocently as she rubbed her palm against my upper arm, dragging it downwards slowly.

"Emelia, stop this." I murmured.

Vienna was fuming with anger, "Bitch, take your hands off of him, before I cut them off." She spat.

My eyes widened, this was perhaps the first time I heard such vile words sprout from her full lips. It filled me with a strange sense, to watch her burn up for me like that. I knew I had to break this off before things got too far but my efforts' seemed to always get bashed into dust.

"Excuse me?" Emelia drawled, waiting for the smaller girl to take back her words.

"I'm pretty sure you heard me."

"Harry I will not withstand another moment with this- this crazy, juvenile delinquent whore-"

Then I heard a smack. My eyes widened as I repeated in my mind what just happened. Emelia was drawing in copious amounts of air dramatically, gripping her cheek as she glared at Vienna, who merely smirked in triumph.

Vienna {H.S}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora