Chapter 22

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I woke up in the middle of the night to suble sobbing noises bouncing off the walls. I was so glad the walls were thin, it let me know whenever I had to pick my fight with depression and help my babygirl up. After all, that's what Daddies were for.

I tiptoed to her bedroom, "Sweetheart, I'm here." I murmured to her, my voice raspy since I had just woken up. I squinted my eyes to get a better look at her.

At first, she frowned when she saw me. And then her expression softened, and she instinctively wrapped her arms around me into a much needed hug.

"Shhhh, It's going to be okay." I croaked.  I did not even know what she was so upset about, but I did know that I hated seeing her so upset. Watching her cry and letting it happen would be like stabbing myself with a chainsaw over and over again.

"How do you know?" She replied bitterly as she rubbed her eyes furiously. Something was different. I could tell from the heavy tension hanging in the air. Vienna had this look about her face, as if doubting my loyalty. I haven't seen this look since I told her about Emelia.

Speaking of Emelia, I wondered if I should summon child protection services to find Daisy. I've spent yesterday night searching for her in her house, but I found nothing except a lump in her bed, evidence that someone had been asleep on it recently. I found a coffee mug on the counter, strangely enough, it was half-cold. It was almost as if she were taken.

"I know because I'll always be by your side to make sure of that." I frowned at her. I was starting to get impatient from all the questions she was suddenly bubbling out, but it was not like I could force them to stop.

She stared at me, and instead of seeming comforted by the thought, she simply shivered. I hoped it was due to the light breeze sneaking in from her obnoxiously open window rather than a deep-rooted fear that I was dead serious about my statement.

And I was.

I got up and stalked towards the window slowly, naturally being curious as to why it was open so wide.

"No!" Vienna shrieked from her bed before getting up and jumping on my back, wrapping her limbs around me.

"What the f-"

"The reason I'm so sad is because I missed your piggy back rides. Gi-di-up, horsey!" She squealed into my ear, slapping my thigh.

"I think I could give you a different kind of ride now, babe." I murmured huskily as I flipped her around and slammed her on the floor, hovering over her and smirking at her oblivious expression.

"Wh-what?" She asked, an adorable look of confusion contorting her face.

I threw my head back and started to laugh. So innocent, so precious. That was my Vienna.

She frowned and punched me on the chest. "I don't get it. Explain it to me!"

"I will.... Not." I smirked, enjoying the look of anger that washed over her features when I had refused to. 

We spent the rest of the night bickering over this, until we both started to slip in our words and slur like drunk old men. Eventually, we fell into a deep slumber, but before that had happened, I think I heard her whisper, "I will miss you, Daddy."

But I chose to ignore that. I must have imagined it, anyway.


I woke up the next morning to the sound of breakfast being made. I smiled, eager to see what Vienna had attempted to cook before it got burnt.

I rolled out of bed, exhaustion coating my bones and making it harder for me to walk.

"Viiieeeennnnaaaaa." I called out her name. The first thing I was met with when I walked into the kitchen was the smell of burning eggs. I chuckled silently to myself.

"Oh, Vienna, there you are!" I said as I spotted her. But as she turned around I could tell that she was not as happy to see me.

I realized that that might have been because she had been reading the email I had received from the boarding school.

I looked at her, and I mean really looked at her. But instead of seeing the naive, sweet girl who I had pampered and spoiled for the past 8 years; I saw the ghost of that girl.

I remembered my nightmare a few months ago, and it was almost as if it had came true.

I had failed to save her from her own curiousity. For a moment I worried that she had found out the complete truth that I had worked so hard to conceal from her. The truth that me, Reese, Michael, Adrianna, and Emelia had buried and promised to never utter a word of again. I knew that if that had been the case, she would never be able to look at me the same way again. Maybe then she'd realize that she was so sick of me anyway, and would walk away, leaving me to fight my own demons alone.

I was both thankful and miserable when she finally spoke, revealing that she only knew a small portion of the truth.

"Why did you want to send me away?" Her voice cracked, but there were no tears brimming up in this girl's eyes. No, her eyes were dry and icy.

She looked nothing like my Vienna.


Prepare yourselves for the next chapter, beautifuls❤️❤️

I'll set a goal, but only this time, okay? So pleaaase don't hate me

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