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@lostentity30326 suggested this ship and now I have ideassssss!!!!!

Background-ish Stuff

- Cali is non-binary

- For some reason people think that Cali is weak. They are definitely not.

- Cali likes to go out drinking with the Northeast states - during these outings a-hole dudes feel the need to get up in Cali's space and either hit on them or call them words that I won't mention here.

- York and the others realized quickly that they did not need to stand up for Cali because they had a hell of a right hook. Connecticut thought Mass was going to lose his mind the first time Cali punched a guy.

- Sometimes Cali likes to dress in feminine coded clothing ("Clothes have no gender") They especially like skirts with pockets.

Story Stuff

- An important football game for the states is happening so they thought it'd be fun to go out for the night to a bar

- Hawaii convinces Alaska to go because he needs to spend more time getting to know the people he's living with.

Alaska: But lots of people make me uncomfortable

Hawaii: Did I stutter?


Hawaii: Thought so. Have fun.


- It's mostly just the northeastern states, the south, Cali and Alaska there.

- Cali is there because they always really enjoy drinking with Mass and Connecticut. (Cali is also the only person that doesn't make fun of Connie for preferring wine most of the time)

- Cali decided to dress up tonight because they wanted to look cute (and crush a few boys hearts obvs) "Yorkie look! This dress has pockets!! I can hold so much stuff!"

- While at the bar usually one of the Northeast states hangs around Cali as a buffer, just so shit doesn't start, but they all wanted to play pool and Texas was talking smack and Mass wasn't gonna let that stand.  So Cali was watching from the bar and this a-hole of a dude comes up and starts harassing them. Like full on name calling, rude AF, bad words I'm not gonna say and Cali does their best to ignore them, seriously.

- Alaska notices what's going on from his spot at a table in the corner and isn't going to interfere up until the dude grabs Cali's wrist and then all bets are off. Alaska goes to stand but before he or anyone else can do anything the dude is on the ground with a bleeding and broken nose and the entire bar has gone quiet.

- "You ever lay a hand on someone like that again and your nose isn't going to be the only thing that's broken," Cali threatens, hands on their hips, eyes sharp and face set to a frown. The dude goes to get up, saying some more choice words but suddenly NY, Mass, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania are all standing behind them and he shuts up pretty quickly and turns tail and leaves the bar.

- Alaska isn't sure exactly what just happened, but he's a little bit concerned at the fact that he just realized he has a crush on California.

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