Okay but what if... MD/WY

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- Mary notices that Wyoming gets left out of a lot of stuff so they try to include him more.

- Ends up with Mary having a crush on WY.

- Mary then whines a lot to York and Mass.

- Who just accept it, because they love their strange strange friend.

- Mary calling WY hon as a term of endearment, but WY doesn't get it because Mary calls everyone hon.

- Wyoming wondering why Maryland is suddenly trying to include him in everything, finds it kind of endearing.

- Wy is absolutely clueless for a loooong time. Coco and NM are just cackling in the background at him and he has no idea why.

- Mary gets really upset when he learns that Wy hasn't had "real" seafood.


Mary: I keep flirting, it's getting me nowhere.

York: You keep calling him 'hon'

Mary: Yeah?

York: You call everyone that.

Mary: But it's different though!

York: Ohmygod


(After they start dating )

Maryland: Why me?

Wyoming: Because people like you. You're quiet. You say, ‘excuse me’. You look like little birds help you get dressed in the morning.


Maryland, pointing: May I sit there?

Wyoming: That's my lap.

Maryland: That doesn't answer my question, Wy.


Idk where this ship came from, but oh boy.

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