More Mass/NC

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So, I started writing part two of Stress Relief and boy does it have a lot more exposition than I thought it was going too. But I'm super happy with how it's going.

(( I am working on requests, brain just doesn't have ideas for them atm (´-﹏-'; ) ))

On that subject tho. I'm having so many feeeeeeeeeels.

- I headcanon Mass as being fairly buff and muscular, while NC has muscles but is more lean built.

- 'Lina has on more than one occasion gotten almost caught just staring at Mass's arms.

- Mass has on more than one occasion gotten almost caught just staring at 'Lina's shoulders.

- York and Connie constantly tease Mass for his crush, but they also tell him to just go for it because they firmly believe that NC likes Mass back.

- Southie and Jersey do the same thing to 'Lina

- Eventually Jersey finds out from Connie that Mass likes NC which means that Southie finds out almost immediately so the four of them try and set Mass and NC up constantly.


I'm still not positive how I want their first kiss to play out in my final fic, because I love first kisses so much, I tend to write a ton of different first kiss stories.

- An unexpected tornado hits NC and knocks him out of commission for over a week and Mass is so happy when he wakes up he kisses him.

-  A couple of the states are all out drinking and a bar fight starts and 'Lina thinks Mass looks hot with busted knuckles and a bloody nose that he just goes for it.

- NC likes to get up super early to watch the sunrise and take care of things around the property and one time Mass was sent outside to get him for breakfast and found him shirtless leaning against the fence where the horses are kept talking quietly to and petting Kentucky's horse on the nose. And Mass just felt such a surge of affection that he marched up and surprised him with a kiss.

- One time it was a complete accident. 'Lina went to get himself coffee before a meeting and he knew that Mass was gonna be there early that day so he stopped at Dunkin's and grabbed the state some. As thanks without thinking Mass just kissed NC on his cheek. He didn't realize until hours later. NC had been bright red the entire meeting.



I just, haven't had much inspiration lately and I really wanna write, but it's been hard.

I hope everyone out there is doing okay.

( ◜‿◝ )♡

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