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The soldiers faltered even more at the words of the princess. Some approached her regardless because they were driven by the desire to save her before the others.

The Kingdom of Lochastin desperately wanted to get her back.

If they save the princess directly, they would then receive a higher title along with a great reward. It was almost as if they could marry the princess if they did well.

Each soldier had their own imagination running in their minds.

“Princess. It’s urgent. Come on, this way.”

“No! He might be the Devil’s servant! Princess, come to me!”

“Huh, what? What did you say?! You are the Devil’s spy-”

“Everyone, be quiet.”

Tina’s aura rang beautifully and firmly. The soldiers, who were raising their voices at each other, suddenly froze and halted. Tina took a breath and then spat in a soft voice.

“There’s a song I want to sing for all of you.”

She gently stepped towards them like a white butterfly flying in darkness. The movement seemed too light and free for a person who was supposed to be locked up in a tower all their life.

“It’s my favorite song. I hope for you.”

Tina clasped her hands.

-Good night, my baby.

The beautiful tone flowed through the soldiers ears.

-In the front yard and back garden-

It was a lullaby that Lucia had sung to Tina steadily for 10 years. Tina, who naturally sang along, realized how to put the right type of mana into the song.

A tall tower.

Moonlight shining into the window.

A girl who sings with a beautiful voice.

-Birds and babies are sleeping too.

Soldiers who were staring blankly at the scene as if they were in a fairytale fell one by one. Some of them even began to snore.

After confirming that the tower was completely quiet, Tina stopped singing. She walked around the scattered room where people were lying on the ground.

“…Is it over?”

[I think so.]

Deran popped into shape and came out from the shadows.

[Everyone at the entrance of the tower even fell asleep. What an amazing ability.]

“Compliment me in front of the Devil. We’re not done with the plan. Where’s the other one?”

[Derakal fell asleep.]

“That unhelpful dog…”

Tina facepalmed.

She even warned him to keep his ears covered!

Eventually, Derakal was forced to wake up from a few kicks from Tina’s foot.


Tina’s magical voice lured most of the soldiers to the tower, but it didn’t work on some others that easily. There were armor-clad knights who were firmly equipped to resist magic and those who were too far away to even hear her.

Some thought that Tina’s voice activates a smoke screen, so they tried to avoid falling asleep.

But, even those people did not know that they had already fallen into another trap.

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