Molly Grace

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I'm Molly Grace, a 16 year old living in the hood of Tulsa Oklahoma. May come as a surprise, but I live on my own. Or on my own with my childhood best friend who is 18.

See, it starts with my mother. She died when I was younger, and I never learned how she did. I was left in the care of my father who later started drinking a lot and became abusive. He began leaving home more and more, and joining rodeos out of town when I was real young. I always figured it had something to do with my mothers death, but I knew there was more to it.

Eventually, he's only shown up at home every few months, and it's become rarer and rarer to see him home, which I guess is good in my case.

When my father was away, my older brother Graham would take care of me. We grew up to be close and I'd always look up to him. We were only about three years apart in age.

It was going ok until he got a scholarship in football and left for college in Missouri. I convinced him i'd be fine taking care of myself, and here I am.

My childhood best friend, Scarlett Turner, came to live with me when her parents and brother were murdered.

Her father was mental and murdered her mother. He then one night tried to murder Scarlett, but she ran away, which left her dad thinking he killed her, so he took his own life. Scarlett's brother was then later murdered too, but no one knows how.

It works out for us both living together.

We'd been friends as long as I can remember and we're real close. Scarlett and I work part time at the Dingo, and it ain't so bad.

We're both considered Greasers at this part of town. Those on the other side of town were socs, the uptown guys. You couldn't be a greaser and walk alone through these parts. That only made it all more difficult.

I've got dusky brown hair and tawny brown eyes. I'm a good height for my age and got a pretty good build. I'm pretty good in rumbles. I don't go so often since I only go with Scarlett.

I fight in rumbles with other greasers I see round' town, but don't talk to any of them. We really just went to fight for the fun of it.

I was good in school too. Usually, you were either school smart or street smart. A lot of greasers were drop outs, or did bad in school and were typically only street smart. I wasn't necessarily school smart, but I stay in school, so that's one thing.

My real goal for school was just to get to college. If I'm lucky, I could get into the same one as Graham and get to see him everyday again.

I have a good group of friends at school. You have your school buddy's and your buddy buddy's. Scarlett and I were practically always together.

Everyone has their story.

This is my tale to be told.

So here is all of me:

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