Chapter 6

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Once Johnny and I heard the front door slam, we immediately pulled apart in surprise the the sudden interruption.

"Molly, i'm home!" Scarlett called.

"In here!" I shouted back.

Scarlett appeared in the door frame of the bedroom. Johnny I sat in the floor before she came in, unsure of what to do.

"Oh, hey Johnny." She smiled. "You feeling any better, Mol?"

"Yeah, pretty okay. How was work?" I asked.

"The usual." She replied.

"I'm going with Johnny and his friends to a drag race tonight. Wanna come? They invited you along." I informed.

"Sure, i'd love to meet them."

"Savvy." I confirmed.

"I'm gonna make some dinner. Wanna stay and eat with us Johnny?" Scarlett offered.

"No thanks, I gotta get going. I'll see you guys later tonight." He smiled.

"Bye Johnny." I called.

I followed Scarlett into the kitchen as she grabbed the ingredients she needed in order to prepare our dinner.

"So what's his friends like?" She asked sweetly.

"Well they're a gang." I started. "They're pretty cool guys, tough for sure."

Scarlett nodded and made a 'hmm' sound.

"One of em' said they'd seen us at rumbles. Said we were pretty good."

Scarlett seemed to lighten up about it a little.

"Well, I can't wait to meet them." She said as she got a pan out from under the cabinet.

There was a short silence.

"Johnny and I are going steady now." I blurted.

I was so excited to tell her, I couldn't help it. She paused and a big grin slowly spread across her face.


I looked up at the sun that was just now setting. Scarlett and I were walking over to the Curtis house to meet them before going to the race.

"How many times have you been there?" She asked.

"Quite a few. Johnny and I go a lot." I answered.

I walked up the steps to the porch, and walked straight through the door. Scarlett looked confused, but i'd explain later.

We walked through the door and they all greeted me.

"I brought Scarlett along." I beamed.

Scarlett stepped from behind me to beside me.

"Hey, guys." She smiled big.

Darry's pov:

I heard the front door open. I was in the kitchen doing the dishes. I heard a few steps which were distinctly the sound of high heels hitting the floor.

A females voice shyly saying hello to everyone. I step out from the kitchen and see the most beautiful girl I've every laid eyes on.

My heart skipped a beat and all I could do was stare at her. Her skin is tanned with baby pink lips and gorgeous brown hair. The top half of her hair was held up by a black satin bow. She wore a green satin dress that complimented her body perfectly with a pair of black heels.

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