Chapter 5

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I sat in front of my vanity applying my mascara. I ran my fingers through my hair to fix it a bit. I then hear Scarlett come into the room and sit on the bed with a magazine.

"Where you going?" She asked.

"One of Johnny's friends invited me to Bucks party. Thought I might go for a while and check it out."

"Be careful, you know how wild one of those got last time we went."

"I know. You wanna come?"

"Can't. I traded shifts with Jasmine at work."

"Bummer. I'll see you later tonight then."

"Yeah, stay out of trouble, Molly. You got a switch?"

I pulled my switch out and showed her while rolling my eyes before putting it back.

I was wearing a dark red satin dress with my converse. I hurt my heel playing football yesterday and really didn't want to wear heels. I probably wouldn't have anyway.

I pulled on Grahams old leather jacket, then started walking down the street.

Once I made it to the lamp post Dally told me to meet him at, he was already there.

He was leaned against the pole smoking a cigarette. His expression changed once he saw me.

"Hey doll." He smirked. "Ready to go?"

I nodded my head as he lead me toward Bucks.

Once we arrived, Dally warned me how wild it gets sometimes. We walked in, and were greeted by a huge crowd. There were red lights on and loud music.

"Hey Buck." Dally said to a man behind the bar.

"Who you got here with ya, Dallas?" Buck asked.

"Molly Grace man."

Buck nodded and moved to people down the other side of the bar wanting a drink. Dally and I sat down.

"What do you think?" Dally asked with a grin.

I nodded my head. "Not too shabby."

"If this is too much for you we can leave, just say the word."

"Nah, it's cool."

Dally pulled out a new cigarette and lit it with his necklace. He offered me one and lit it for me.

We talked between drags of our cigarettes, and I got to know Dally a little better. I got to know more about him than his criminal record, or his reputation around town.

He's not what people usually say about him.

"Aye, Buck, pass us somethin.'" Dally called.

Buck slid two shot glasses down the bar. We each took one and clinked them together before drinking them.

And then, before I knew it,

we took another shot.

Then another.

And it was shot after shot.

I don't know how many we took.

But every one we took lead to an even deeper conversation.

And Dally told me everything.

I don't know if he meant to.

But it just happened.

He told me the Curtis parents had died in an auto wreck.

Told me about his own parents, and being on the streets of New York for three years.

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