Chapter 7

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Scarlett's pov:

I stumbled out of bed and looked to check on Molly before she got up. She was sleeping peacefully with her hands in fists and her jaw clenched, like she always had.

Today was the day.

The two year anniversary of the day my parents died.

The clock read 3:56AM. I drowsily walked to the kitchen wearing nothing but one of Graham's football shirts and lace underwear. My hair was everywhere and I was still wearing yesterday's makeup. I was a mess.

I went to the the cabinet and pulled out a strong bottle of Vodka. I pulled the cap off and began to take sips from the bottle. I cringed at how strong the drink was but I needed something to take off the edge. I sat down on the cold tile and began to cry. I cursed my dad and prayed for my mom. Darkness slowly took over my body. 


Molly's pov:

I rolled over only to find an empty and cold bed. It then hit me what day it was. The day of the rumble and a hard day for Scarlett. The only thing I knew to do was to say a small prayer for her and then face the pain of the day.

I wandered around the house looking for Scarlett until I found her passed out on the kitchen floor. She looked peaceful. I decided to leave her because I knew it was the most peace she would have all day.

I started breakfast then went to go get ready.
I put on Graham's varsity jacket, a white lace top under it, and jean shorts. I sat down at our vanity and fixed my hair a tad, then applied mascara and lip gloss. As a final touch, I pinned my hair back with a lace bow.

Once I finished getting ready, I returned to the kitchen to finish preparing breakfast. This time though, Scarlett wasn't on the floor where I last saw her.

"Scarlett?" I called her name.

No answer. I then noticed a post it note on the counter.

"Went out to clear my head. Be back soon. -S.T."

I shrugged and just hoped she wasn't getting herself in any trouble. I finished making breakfast and listened to a record while eating and having a glass of champagne.


As I was lighting a new cigarette, I heard a car pull into the driveway. Scarlett must finally be home. I heard the front door pull shut, and when I heard the sound of heavy boots coming toward me instead of high heels against the floor, I knew it wasn't Scarlett.

Next thing I knew, the sting of a belt was running across my skin, everywhere. My father was cursing things at me while beating me with the belt, right there on the couch. I could smell the strong stench of alcohol on him. He'd  been drinking, as usual.

Every time I tried to get up, he would knock me back down and hit me even harder.

Finally, he pulled me up from the couch by the throat and threw me to the ground. I felt my head bang against the hard wood floor. I felt so dizzy after, I couldn't bring myself to fight back.

He grabbed the broom that was leaning against the wall and beat it against my body. He proceeded screaming and yelling at me. I could never make out the words he said.

After beating me against the floor, he left for a second, but not long enough for me to get up. When he returned, shards of glass shattered over my head and across my arms. He was smashing empty alcohol bottles against me with strong force while continuing to yell at me. He was yelling so loud, you could see the veins in his neck.

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