Chapter 3

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I slammed my locker shut after putting away my books to go to lunch. Once I closed it, Johnny was waiting there in front of me.

"Oh, hey Johnny." I smiled.

"Hey, Molly." He smiled back.

"I was just heading to lunch. You have third lunch don't you?" I asked.

"Yeah, that's too bad. Well I was wondering after school if you wanted to go to the drive in tonight. I heard they're showing three movies." He offered.

A smile grew on my face. "I'd like that."

"See you then." He smirked as he walked off.

I then head to lunch with my cheeks slightly flustered.

Once I made it the lunch room, I waited in line to get lunch and sat down with Scarlett and a few of our other friends.

"What are you all flustered about?" Scarlett teased.

"Oh, nothin." I said.

She moved her face close to mine and gave a huge smirk.

"Lay off Scarlett." I nudged her away.

She began laughing at me.


The rest of the school day, I was only thinking about tonight. I was gonna tell Scarlett later, but she knows me too well. She knew there was something going on tonight.

We worked our shifts at the Dingo then headed home. I still had some time before I needed to get ready, so I worked on my homework.

I sat down on the living room floor in front of the coffee table to do it. Scarlett turned a record on then sat down on the couch. She had her bead case and a roll of string laid out in front of her. She was making bracelets.

"How much homework do you have?" Scarlett asked.

"Not much. Shouldn't take me long." I replied, not looking up from my papers.

"When are you gonna tell me what you're doing tonight?"

"Fine. Y'know that kid Johnny? He came in the house yesterday?"

"Yep." Scarlett had a smirk on her face.

"Stop looking at me like that. We're only going to the Nightly Double."

"Can I help you find what to wear at least?"

I didn't answer, only rolled my eyes. She got up from the couch with an excited expression on her face. I laughed and shook my head as she ran to our room and began searching through our closet.

I finished my homework about half an hour later, and put all my school books up. Scarlett made us meat loaf for dinner, which was her favorite.

After we ate and cleaned up, Scarlett took me by the arm and lead me into our bedroom. She held up a pair of jeans and a top lined with lace for me to wear.

"What do you think of this?" She asked with a smile.

"Perfect." I smiled back.

I took the clothes from her hands, and went to change. After I was dressed, I touched up my hair and mascara.

As I was applying a new coat of lip gloss, I heard the door bell ring. Scarlett and I both looked up.

"I'll see you later tonight, Scarlett." I said as I walked out of the bedroom.

"Don't get in any trouble, Molly."

I only gave her a side eye back. I rushed through the living room to reach the front door. When I opened it, I was greeted by Johnny. He had a warm smile on his face and extra grease in his hair.

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