Chapter 1

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I blinked my eyes awake and was greeted to the sun shining through the window. It felt nice over my face.
I turned over on my other side wanting to go back to sleep. Scarlett was still asleep on the other side of the bed.

I began to close my eyes again until I remembered today was a school day. I looked over to the clock on my nightstand. We slept in and were late for school.

"Scarlett, get up, we over slept." I said quietly, nudging her shoulder.

She raised her head to look at me, hair a mess and half asleep. She looked confused.

"We're late for school." I said again.

"Oh crap."

We both immediately sprung from the bed and began getting ready. We'd only be missing one class which isn't bad at all.

We were both standing in front of our closet, deciding what to wear. I went with my worn out jeans, a tight white shirt, and Graham's old leather jacket.

Scarlett found a white mini skirt and one of Grahams old football jackets. When he left for collage, I took a lot of his old clothes he left behind seen as I couldn't always get new things.

Scarlett changed in the closet while I changed in the bedroom. After we were dressed, we both stood in front of the bathroom mirror, doing our hair and makeup.

We both curled our hair, and did it up nicely. I applied mascara and lip gloss. Scarlett wore a little more makeup than me, so while she was finishing up, I made us a quick bowl of cereal since we didn't have time for anything else.

After eating our quick breakfast, we grabbed our backpacks and rushed out the door.

We weren't always late for school. Just not with it this morning, I guess. We sped walked to school as quick as we could.


The school day was long and boring. Once the final bell let out, Scarlett and I walked to our after school job at the Dingo.

It was our normal routine there. Taking orders, serving tables, same usual stuff. We both were usually tipped pretty well.

I noticed at one of the tables was this large group of guys.

I had seen them around rumbles before.

I think i've seen a few of them at school too.

One of them stood out to me most.

He had black greasy hair, tanned skin, and brown eyes.

I might've seen him around the hallways.

My gaze broke when I heard the bell ringing.

"Hello? Molly? This orders ready." My co-worker was saying.

"Oh, right." I smiled shyly.

I went over to take the food off the kitchen counter.

"That's for table seven." She informed me.

I nodded and began to take the tray of food to table seven which had ordered it.

And to my surprise, table seven just happened to the table those guys were sitting at.

Once I got closer to their table, I noticed they all had grease in their hair. They must be greasers too.

I set their plates of food down on the table in front of them.

"Anything else I can get you guys?" I asked.

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