Chapter 9

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I knew I needed to go home and check on Molly again. I also figured she'd try and fight tonight, and I needed to stop her. That's the last thing I need, Molly in worse shape than she already is.

I sped walked back through town and made it to our house. When I entered our bedroom, Molly was reading a book and had a record on.

"Hey, Scar." She greeted without looking up from her book.

"Hey Molly." I hesitated. "Feeling alright?"

"Yeah, i'm fine." She smiled. "Just the same as it always is every time it happens. I don't know why everyone is acting like this time is any different." She spat.

"Oh, c'mon, Molly."

She only shrugged with a smug look on her face. I sat down next to her on the bed.

"What book are you reading?" I asked for conversation.

"When you were mine." She answered.

"Want me to make you something to eat?"

"No, it's okay." She just kept reading her book.

"Are . . . you sure?"


I wondered if she was mad at me. But I couldn't blame her, i'd hardly even been home.

"You're not gonna fight tonight, are you?" I muttered quietly, worried of her response.

She didn't say anything, only gave me a side eye then returned to reading her book. I decided to leave her alone, so I went to the kitchen and sat at the small dining table.

I took a long swig of the drink i'd taken home. It was some strong stuff for sure.

I rested my forehead against my hand. After a moment, I looked up at the time on the oven. It read 6:45 pm. I should probably leave to get there in time.

As I made my way to the front door to leave, I glanced into the bedroom at Molly. She was still sitting in the bed leaned against the wall, just reading her book.

I began walking down the neighborhood street to make my way to the Curtis house. I decided to take that drink with me, and I took hard swigs while I walked.

After drinking so much more than I usually do these past few days, i'd started to become really dizzy. I took another swig. And before I knew it, I finished the entire bottle by the time I got there. I don't even remember walking over here.

I stumbled through the door and the gang all looked at me. Except Dally, I don't know where he was.

"Hey." I slurred.

"Hey, Scar." Darry greeted with a smile.

I sat down next to him on the couch. I almost fell asleep sitting up. I then remembered I hadn't even laid down to sleep last night.

"Scarlett?" Darry nudged my shoulder. I gave him a confused look. "Sorry, you were falling asleep. Did you sleep last night?"

I shook my head no while looking straight ahead.

"Scarlett, are you drunk?" Darry whispered.

I nodded my head this time.

"Maybe you shouldn't go tonight then." He put an arm around me.

"No, Darry, i'll be okay."

"Why don't you stay here and drink some water, or coffee, and rest up some."

I shook my head no again. "No, I wanna fight."

"Well you be careful, alright?"


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