Chapter 13

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Molly's pov:

The next morning, the whole gang was gathered around the Curtis house. Johnny and I had stayed the night at his house since his parents weren't home, so we walked over.

Darry was in the kitchen making breakfast with Scarlett while the rest of us were in the living room. Two-Bit and Dally were making bets while Steve, Soda, Johnny, and I played cards on the coffee table. Pony had gone to his room earlier to read, but made sure he told us before that we were being too loud.

Johnny was winning in our card game so far and the others were being a sore loser. Johnny has always been real good. It wasn't long before Steve took everyone's cards out of their hands and threw them all up in the air.

He stormed out of the living room, Soda following him, blabbing about zebras or something.

Once breakfast was ready, we all met back at the dining table. We filled everyone in about finding Scarlett's missing brother. They insisted on meeting him sometime. Though, he left for college this morning.

Scarlett and Darry had made the big 3. Bacon, biscuits, and egg. The biscuits were burnt but no one said anything. Scarlett gets kind of defensive over her cooking.

"It's startin' to get real hot out, now that it's finally June." Steve mentioned, mouth full of eggs.

"It's gettin' hot in here too, our air conditioning hasn't been spiffin' the way it needs to be." Darry said.

"Hey, why don't we go down to that lake? Y'know, the one we went to all the time last year?" Soda suggested.

"That's a fine idea, what do y'all think?" Two-Bit spoofed.

We all agreed with excitement. Well except Dally, he wasn't all that thrilled. Or at least he pretended not to be.

I was excited to see this lake they were talking about. Johnny told me it's pretty hidden away by trees and there's never anyone there.

After we all finished our breakfast, Scarlett ran home real fast and grabbed the two of us some old swimsuit. The guys all found some trunks they had put away and changed into those.

The one Scarlett brought me was navy blue and the one she changed into herself was a blue flowered bikini.

We grabbed our towels and piled into Darry's pickup truck. Now being in the back of a pickup truck with a gang of hot shirtless guys is a situation most girls would die to be in.

Finally, we made it to the lake. Darry parked alongside a row of trees and I assumed this is where it's hidden.

We carried our towels and walked over to the dock behind the trees. The lake was beautiful. It was more of a dated swimming hole, but the water was surprisingly clean, and sparkled in the sun.

Without hesitation, Steve and Two-bit immediately jumped in.

"How's the water?" Scarlett asked them once they came up from underwater.

"Better than ever." Said Steve, now floating on his back.

Soda took the opportunity, and jumped right onto Steve, causing them both to go underwater. Once they came up, Darry scolded Soda to not break anyones bones today.

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