Chapter 14

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Johnny walked me home later that night. I have no idea what time it is. I assume it was late seen as everyone's lights were out in the neighborhood.

From the outside of my own house, I noticed there were no lights on except the kitchen lights. I guess Scarlett is staying with Darry tonight and we forgot to turn those off.

I opened the front door and was taken back when I saw who was standing in my kitchen.

My father.

Not again, I thought. Please not again.

My father looked up to me once he noticed i'd come in. But there was something different. I could see it in his eyes. Maybe a sense of hope.

He had the most drowsy look on his face. He looked tired and glum. Older than he usually looked. But he seemed sad. There wasn't the usual strain in his eyes from drinking.

"My dear Molly." He muttered.

I stood there confused as to my fathers behavior. By now he would usually have me in a chokehold. What was going on?

I didn't say anything, so he continued.

"I would like to explain."

We only stared at each other from opposite ends of the small kitchen island. I started backing away slowly. I don't want to be near him.

"I am working on changing my ways." He went on. "I have been sober for forty-eight hours. I'm willing to be a real father to you."

That was when my mouth slightly fell open. He wanted to "be a real father to me?" After how he's treated me? Ran out on me to go to rodeos when I was only so young. Just the last time I saw him, he was slicing deep through my skin with glass shards. Now he wanted to "change his ways?" 

The sadness and confusion I was just feeling started turning into anger.

"I started going to rehab."

When I still didn't answer, he continued to explain, though, I didn't want to hear what he had to say.

"One night, I was out gambling, and lost all my bucks. I hadn't had enough money to get any dope or booze, so i'd gone quite a few hours sober. It made me think. It was like I could feel myself coming to my senses. I liked the feeling, and realized how I'd been acting while drunk and doped up. I guess truthfully I knew it was wrong all along. But this time, i'm willing to give it up completely." He explained.

"After all these years of beating the tar out of me, leaving me to go to your stupid rodeos, despite me only being as young as nine. And now you're saying you want to change your ways? Am I supposed to forgive you, just like that? After you've almost killed me?" I shot back.

It felt good to stand up against my father. If never done it considering I was afraid of him. He seemed calmer now, sober. If he really is.

"Look, I understand why you're upset. But believe me, i'm changing for the better. I'd lost everything I have gambling anyways, and I just want to make things right."

"Make things right? You could never make up for what you've done."

"Molly, just listen. I just need you to trust me-"

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