Chapter 8

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I was woken up by a huge headache I had coming on. I opened my eyes and remembered I wasn't in my bed at home with Molly, but instead at Buck's with Dally.

I rolled over and looked at the clock on the small nightstand which read 4:21 A.M.

It then hit me that I had left Molly at home. Before I left the house yesterday, Graham told me he was leaving that night for his finals in college. And i'm sure Darry had gone home. I didn't want to leave Molly alone in the condition she's in. I'm sure she's fine, I mean, she's Molly.

I checked to see if Dally was awake. He had his back turned toward me. I would've thought he was asleep if I didn't see a cloud of smoke rise from in front of him.

"Dally, are you sleeping while smoking?"

"No, i'm smoking while sleeping."

"I'm gonna head home and make sure Molly's okay."

"Okay, give her this."

Keeping his back turned from me and looking ahead, he handed me a brand new box of cigarettes over his shoulder.

"A get well present." He laughed. "But seriously, I hope she's doin' alright."

"Thanks, Dal, i'll give it to her."

I stumbled out of the bed, and once I was standing, my headache worsened.

I ran down the stairs, and thankfully the party from last night had ended, so I didn't have to go through a crowd. I made it out of there pretty quick and ran through town to get back home.

Once I made it inside the house, I quietly entered our bedroom. Before Graham left, he'd carried Molly to the bedroom and she's been sleeping it all off.

Our room was dark, but lit by enough moonlight that I could see Molly pretty okay. I froze once I saw her. The bandages around her arm, and the blood you could faintly see through them. The wounds and bruises that covered her body.

If I had never left yesterday to drink away my grief, I'd have been able to get Molly away from her father. 

But instead, he got to her.

The thought made me sick.

It was even worse, because something similar happened on the one year anniversary of my family's death.

I don't know exactly why, but I felt guilt just seeing her. I ran right back out of the house and down the street just like I had when I came here only a couple minutes ago.

I ran down the street with so much running through my mind. I needed to escape. What better escape than a drug trip?

I ran to my ex boyfriend, Tim Shepard's house and knocked on the door. We still had a good relationship and our breakup wasn't messy. When he opened the door he gasped at the sight of me. I looked and felt so sick. I explained to him what happened as he took me inside.

We went to his bedroom and he pulled out a lock box from under his bed. He retrieved two syringes and began to fill them for us. I felt sick to my stomach but I new this would momentarily help. We began to shoot up into the veins in our arms then he began to cut up crack. I slowly snorted it and it hurt like hell. I looked at Tim and he wiped some of the powder off my nose.

"Baby you don't have to do this." His eyes were sympathetic. He understood well of what I was going through.

"Why am I like this?" I muttered.

I started to break down again. He pulled me into his lap and pushed my head into his chest. He stroked my hair as I cried.

"Help me Tim, help me." I pleaded

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