Chapter 10

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Molly's pov:

I woke up in Johnny's arms the next morning. My body was aching more than it was last night before the rumble. I looked down at my self and noticed I was covered in bandages. I then remembered Johnny cleaning and bandaging me up before we went to sleep.

"Johnny?" I whispered.

"Morning, sweetheart."

He pulled me closer to him in the bed and nuzzled his face into my neck.

"Are you doin' alright? I had to practically cover you in bandages along with the ones you already had."

"Yeah, i'm okay. I could've done better if I wasn't already scuffed up." 

"I saw you last night, you're a real good fighter."

I smiled at him. He stroked my hair with his free hand while the other one remained around my torso.

"Why don't we make something for breakfast?" I asked.

"Man, i'm starvin.'" Johnny huffed.

I laughed at him. When I got up from the bed, I noticed i'd forgotten to change my shirt. We were real tired when we got here. My shirt was ripped and still slightly damp from the rain.

I took the hem of my shirt and lifted it over my head, taking it off. It already felt better. It was making me cold. Even without looking, I could tell Johnny had his eyes on me.

"How's the view from over there?" I teased, grabbing a sweatshirt from the dressers drawer.

"Can't be any better than the view from right there." He nodded his head toward me.

After I was changed into dry clothes, we made our way to the kitchen.

"Well, there's stuff to make pancakes." I said.

I got the stuff out, and heated up the stove.

"Can we turn on a record?" He asked.

"You sure like em' now, don't you?" I laughed.

"They're pretty nice." He mumbled as he was focusing to put the record on right.

He gently pulled the wand down and had that same proud look on his face once he got it to play.

Then, Johnny helped me make the batter, and i'll say, he didn't know much about making pancakes. Or really anything at all. I showed him all the steps, and we had batter everywhere but the bowl.

Finally, it was time to pour the pancakes on the pan. I did one, and let Johnny pour one. He ended up accidentally pouring half the bowl for one pancake.

"That one can be yours." I said.

"I did that on purpose." He huffed.

We finished pouring them all and left them for a while. They were finally ready to flip, and I insisted on doing it because I knew Johnny would end up flipping one across the room.

"Wanna get the champagne out while I get the plates?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure." he smiled.

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