Chapter 2

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The next morning, I fluttered my eyes open. Instead of being greeted by the sun shining from my bedroom window and Scarlett being right beside me, I woke up with the sun straight in my face and next to Johnny.

I then remembered what had happened last night. I sat up, now sitting on the thrown out couch.

I glanced over to Johnny and couldn't tell if he was alseep or awake.

"Johnny?" I softly called his name.

I guess he was only half asleep since he sat up and rubbed his tired eyes when I said his name.

"Morning Molly." He said calmly.

I could see him better now that we were in the light. Man, he was good lookin.' His dreamy eyes glistened in the sun better than in the dark. We held eye contact for a while until I realized he was waiting for me to say something.

"I should probably be heading home. I'm sure my friend might be worried where I am." I explained.

"Oh yeah." He agreed. "I'll walk you home."

I gave him a sweet smile. We got up from the couch and I lead the way to my house.

It was pretty early when we woke up, but the sun is pretty much completely out. It was the middle of May, so the air was warm but fairly cool.

"So, does your friend stay with you or soemthing?" Johnny asked.

"We live together." I said.

I didn't know how much I should tell him. But I didn't want to leave him confused, so I only gave him a simple explanation.

"Her parents and brother died. My mother died and my brother left for college, so we were both on our own and thought to live together." I told him.

He nodded his head understanding and to show he was listening. Come to think of it, every time I had talked to him, i've noticed he's a really great listener.

"My dad is always doing out of town rodeos. But sometimes every few months I see him at home." I trailed off.

We talked some more and Johnny told me more about his parents. We'd been opening up a lot to each other which I don't usually do with anyone other than Scarlett. I can tell he doesn't either. I guess somethings just different with us. It could be that we relate in some ways.

Finally, we reached my house.

"Well, this is it." I said walking up the sidewalk leading to my front door.

"You wanna make sure your father isn't here?" He asked worriedly.

I looked over to the driveway and saw mine and Scarlett's shared T-bird instead of my dads truck.

I smiled knowing Scarlett is home instead of my father.

"His truck ain't here." I beamed.

I opened the front door and was greeted with the scent of eggs being fried on the stove.

"Scarlett?" I questioned trying to find her.

"In the kitchen!" She responded.

Me and Johnny walked into the kitchen together. She was digging through the fridge and hadn't seen Johnny yet.

"Molly, where were you?"

"I went to a vacant lot for the night. My dad was here last night."

Just those words said enough for her to know what happened. She stood up from the fridge and turned around, eyes wide. She looked from me to Johnny before smiling.

"Hello! I'm Scarlett Turner."

He smiled back "Johnny Cade."

He reached out his hand for her to shake it.

"Would you care to stay for breakfast?"

"Oh, I shouldn't, I got to be somewhere soon."

He looked at the clock then back at us.

"I need to get going. Nice to meet you Scarlett. And nice meetin you too Molly. See you guys around?" He smiled.

"Yeah, you dig ok Johnny. See you 'round." I smiled.

And with that, he left.

As soon as the front door shut, Scarlett started interrogating me and asking all about him. She forced me to tell her about everything all of breakfast and while we did the dishes.

"Im gonna get ready real fast." I said walking back to the bathroom.

I wanted to wash off and get the rest of the blood off me, and clean my wounds. I took a quick shower and immediately felt better. I went to our bedroom and sat down at our vanity to do my hair and my makeup. Scarlett came in to talk to me.

"Wanna go shopping?" She asked smiling at me.

I smiled wide. "I'd like that."

Once I finished getting ready, we grabbed our shoes and we left. I was wearing my converse and she was wearing a pair of one inch heels. If that doesn't describe our relationship, I don't know what does.

We wondered around the shops for a while before deciding to get some food. Scarlett spotted a small diner beside a corner store, so we ate there. We both got burgers and shared a basket of fries.

We ate then headed home. Though we didn't do much, we ended up staying out all day. When we got home, Scarlett went to the bathroom and got us some face masks.

We both took turns showering before we started, then she dried her hair before we actually put our face masks on.

"Tell me about what happened with your dad. He made a mess in here before he left."

Tears began to brim on my eyes as I explained what he did to me. She pulled me into a hug swaying us back and forth. She stroked her hand through my hair as she pressed the side of her face against mine.

We stayed like that a while.

Scarlett always knew how to calm me down. She put on a soft record and we sat on the couch. She opened a bottle of red wine that my brother had bought her and poured us both a glass.

We applied the face masks and played with each others hair as they dried. I even wrote a letter to send to Graham, see what he's been up to at college.

When they were dry, we washed them off our faces, leaving our skin smooth to the touch. I laid back on the bed and watched at Scarlett did her skin care in the bathroom.

I began to grow tired so I turned on my side in the bed. A minute later, I felt her arm surround my torso and pull me close. Not even a moment after, darkness overcame me.

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