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Olivia's POV:

I needed to get some fresh air. I was so confused right now and I have only been here less than a few minutes.

"Olivia, how are you doing? I haven't seen you for a while" I looked around before seeing Madison waving at me.

I sat down next to her. She was sat with Sofia and some other people I haven't met yet!

"Oh hey, Olivia right?!" Sofia asked before I nodded slightly.

"Wait, you two have already met?" Madison said looking shocked.

"Of course, we met the other day!"

"Hmm, well I suppose that I should introduce you to the others!"

"Olivia, this is Larry!" She pointed at this red head who was smiling brightly at me.

"This is Julia!" I smiled at her slightly.

"And finally, meet Dara, Joe and Ethan!" I smiled at everyone before looking down nervously.

"Oh what's wrong hon? You look down!" Dara asked.

"I'm fine, it's just, I don't think my roommate likes me!"

"OH, YOU MEAN JOSHUA BASSETT, RIGHT?!" Sofia asked excitedly.


"Sorry, I didn't mean to!"

"It's fine but he just keeps making excuses and I don't know what to do, I've tried being friends with him but he just keeps ignoring me or he is meeting up with his friends l!"

"That happens when people become famous, don't let it get to you honey and presides, you have already made some new friends, us, now come on and let's do something fun!" Julia says.

Maybe she's right, maybe these guys are my friends and maybe I should just let loose and have fun for once!

Aww, so, what do you think about Joshua and Olivia's friendship groups and what will happen now?! More chapters coming soon today! Love you guys so much 🖤

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