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Joshua's POV:

I messed up badly. Why do you have to be so dumb?!

I needed some air when I bumped into Olivia, speak of the devil!

"Uh hi!"

"Hey, what's up?!"

"I wanted to apologise for my actions and even though you are the main reason for why I am feeling like this, I hope that we can put this all behind us and just be friends!" Olivia said shocking me completely.

"I... wasn't expecting that!" I said before she started giggling slightly.

"But yeah, I think that I can put the past behind me!"

"From now on, no secrets!" Olivia said sticking her pinky out.

"Aren't we a bit old for that sort of stuff?"

"Do it!"

I wrapped my finger around Olivia's.  I felt as though there was a spark between us but it was probably nothing!

"Umm, you can let go now!" I heard Olivia say realising that I had zoned out for a moment.

"Right, uh, so what do you want to do?" I asked nervously.

"Hmm, Disney movie night?"

"Sure!" I smiled at her slightly.

This is not going to end well!

Believe me, I have something pretty juicy planned for the next chapter. But before this, I want to ask a question, what is your favourite Disney movie? Mine is either Tangled or Aladdin!

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