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Olivia's POV:

I slowly walked back to where my mom was. I have to admit, I was dreading of what she might say to me but all could think about was how nice Josh's family were. It was almost as though they were my real family!

"Olivia, God, I thought that I raised you right, yet you think that it is ok to leave your own mother!" She grabbed me by the wrist before taking me outside.

I need help!

Joshua's POV:

"Hey Josh!" Sofia said coming up to me with her sister and her parents.

"Hi, oh, I didn't know that you had a sister?!"

"Oh Josh, meet Bella" I smiled at the girl.

They basically were identical apart from the fact that Bella had straight hair whereas Sofia has curly hair.

"So, I'm just wondering, do you know where Olivia is, I've been looking around for her but I can't find her?!" Sofia looked worried.

"Umm I dunno, maybe..."

"Maybe I should help too!" Madison added walking up to me and Sofia.

"Uh sure!"

I have no idea what happened to Liv but I have a feeling that her mom has something to do with it!

Dun dun dun, poor Liv, what do you think is going to happen now and will everyone soon find out about Olivia's past!

Also, I'm in love with sarazpanda28 story so please check it out if you haven't already.

Umm yeah


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