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Olivia's POV:

"Hey girls, are you ready to go for some dress shopping?!" Frankie yelled walking into the room.

"You know it, uh Liv, no offence but you seriously need some new clothes, you literally look as though you are going to burn up!"

She wasn't wrong though, my mom makes me wear what she wants me to wear. Sometimes, I have to wear a jumper in summer. No wonder why I am burning up!

"Ok, fine, we need to look good at that party!" I said before rambling on.

I have never been to a party before, what am I supposed to do?!

"Ok, Liv, we should probably get going!"

"Right!" I said before grabbing everything and leaving.

Everything was going to be fine!

Joshua's POV:

I was helping Matt set up the party. Ok, the reason I am going to that party in the first place is to hopefully bump into Sabrina whilst I am there!

I told Liv that she should go to the party. It would be good for her to spend some time out of the dorm and have some fun with her friends!

"Matt, please, no alcohol at the party!"

"Why not? It's a party!"

"Yeah, but, one, I don't drink and two, I don't want to be thrown out of college yet!"

"Ugh, whatever!" I watched him put the alcohol to the side of the room.

Matt's POV:

Yeah, he totally thinks that I am having a party without alcohol, that's what makes a party!

Olivia's POV:

"Ok Liv, I found something amazing for you!" Madison says handing this super cute outfit.

"Ooh, I'll try it on!" I said before walking to the changing room.

I have got to say, Madison has taste!

"Ok, I'm ready!" I walked out of the changing room.

I looked at everyone's faces. They either did not like it or they were shocked. I'm presuming the first choice!

"Liv, look at you, you look stunning!" Frankie said before getting on the floor and praising me.

"Aww thanks, I like it too, I'm gonna buy it!" I smiled at them.

I got changed before walking up to pay. I don't think that I have bought anything as nice as that before!

I have a good feeling about tomorrow!

Thank you for reading!

I love you all

Emily 😘

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