Chapter 16

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xxx Hey Everyone, I haven't updated in like forever and I know you all probably are wanting a whole bunch more, but I going to upload once a week starting from now on. I will have people help me remember and maybe write more, but my grades need to be in best condition if I want to go to Signature School. So here's your update. And this chatper will have a major cliff-hanger. And you will find out what Niall did to Leana. xxx

Elizabeth's POV

The nice taxi driver man drove me home from the store while he made some small talk. He had a sweet Scottish accent when he spoke, "So, what did you get for your friend?"

I was surprised on how much he cared. Or either he wanted me to give him a big tip, "My friend is going through some relationship drama, and I bought her some moose track ice cream and the movie Sleepover."

"Well then whatever boy hurt her should be ashamed, I bet she is a wonderful girl if she is friends with you." Yep, he was definitely flirting for some extra money. He dropped me off in front of the hotel and I threw a huge wad of cash into the passenger seat.

I walked in the doors and rode up the elevator until I got to our floor. I stepped out of the doors and basically almost ran into the a little girl and her sister. The two of them reminded me of Lee and I when we were ten years old. They were just playing around and having fun. Apologizing, I walked down the hallway and made my way to our room. My hands reached into my pocket for my room key. I slid in into the shiny brass lock and open the door slowly, "Leana, I'm here. Where are you? I have a surprise." The tv was on and Leana laid on the couch-bed under the sheets. You could just hear her weeping. She seemed startled whenever I sat down next to her, "Hey Lee, I brought a movie. Do you want to watch it with me?"

She uncovered her face and you could see the light reflecting off her wet eyes. Leana slowly nodded and I popped in the DVD. She positioned a spot for me next to her and just started talking softly "Hey, Liz," her voice broke, " Did you get some ice cream or sweets?"

I smiled,"Of course, it's not a party without it. I'll get it out."

Minutes later I returned with two humongous bowls of Moose Track Ice Cream. Leanna's face lit up when she saw it. Her arms stretched open for the bowl, she wanted to make a toast, "To best friends forever." I giggled and we clanked our bowls together, both of us taking a huge spoonful of ice cream in ours mouths. Ours eyes adjusting to only the light of the movie, we sat in silence watching our favorite best friend movie of all time.


The movie was over so we turned on the tv. It was just auto-matically set to the news, I gasped. But it was too late, Leana had already seen Niall's face on the screen. It was a story on how the boys just landed in California. I reached for the remote but she smacked my hand away, "Ow! Leana Natalie give me that remote control NOW!"

"No, I want to watch!"

"Lee, you don't deserve this. Your just hurting yourself more. Give me it now!!"

We fought over it for awhile until I finally got it and stuck it in my shirt. Leana started crying, "Liz, you don't get it. Nobody knows how it felt, they don't know how much it hurt me whenever I saw Niall in that hospital room with that skank! That girl he was with, she was trash. And it hurt so bad. It made me think that ALL that he said was a complete lie!! And he even was kissing her. And he was smiling like he loved it!!" She starting crying so much, I had never seen her like this before.

I started rubbing her back and comforting her, "Lee, I know how you feel, remember what happened in eight grade. I know what it feels like."


"Leana, it's the same concept. I sincerely know how you feel."

"NO, YOU DONT!!! IT'S NOT ONLY THAT!!! Liz... I.... I....I'm pregnant with Niall's baby. That's why I can't just let go like that. I would just love to start fresh and just forget about him, but I just can't. I'm carrying a piece of him inside me."

My whole body was in shock, I couldn't think at all. "Lee, when did it happen?"

"The first night we stayed here, when you pushed me out of the bed, I slept with Niall and things happened between us. He told me that we were made for each other and that we'd be together forever. And I fell for it."

I took her in my arms and she just cried and cried, soaking my shoulder. Poor Leana, eventually though, she cried herself to sleep and I did too.

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