Chapter 14

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xxxx Howdy! Today is going to be a busy day so I will have to make this short. Anyways.... Here is your update. Tee her hee. Please comment and tell me what ya think! xxxx

Zayn's POV

I woke up and stumbled into the bathroom. Damn, it was already noon.. My hand ran across the side of the shower curtain pulling it open and turning on the hot water. All this drama is not good for us, we are supposed to be going back to London in a week.

"Liiaaaamm!! Where is my special conditioner?!?" I shouted downstairs and Liam came running up in some plaid pajamas pants and muscle shirt.

"It was in my way yesterday so I put it in your bag because I know nobody else is allowed to use it."

I threw my towel and him and was just like 'FORGET IT!' I raced downstairs and saw Louis so I tackled him to the ground.

"Zayn, get off me. I was trying to get Elizabeth and Leana to go shopping with me today." He said snapping his fingers in a Z- formation. He shoved me back onto the couch and threw the pillow in top of me.

I heard Lizzy call him from the other room, "Lou, can you help me? She won't get up." ZAYN TO THE RESCUE!! I leaped of the couch and ran to Liz. She was pointing at Lee, so I stared jumping up and down on her bed until she smacked my leg.

"F**k off!!" She growled at me. I called the rest of the boys to help me pick her up. Harry and Liam got her shoulders, Louis and Liz got her legs. And I was failing to keep her to stop squirming.

We finally made our way out and dropped her in the car, "Relax, we are going to check on Niall." Harry exclaimed, "We thought you needed to see him. Ever since his accident 3 days ago you've been acting different."

Leanna's POV

"... You've been acting different."

Have I really been acting different without Niall? I just miss him so much, and I can't wait to see him. I stopped squirming around and I sat closer to Liz and Liam, "Sorry, guys. I am just worried for him.

Paul pulled us up to the hospital entrance and let us out. My heart was pounding so hard I'm sure everyone around me could hear it. We all rode the elevator up and stepped out into the bleached-smelling hospital air. With Harry and Zayn leading the way we carefully strode towards the door.

Piled high in front of the room were gift baskets piled high with candy and muffins. Louis jumped forward and opened the door, they all stepped inside with shocked looks on their faces. Pushing through the dead-looking bodies, I made my way to see Niall's Perfect blonde hair.

But my jaw dropped I couldn't believe what I saw, "NIALL?!?"

He saw me and shouted, "Leana!" I stormed out the door bursting in tears. Niall's Irish accent shouted my name once more, "Please come back.

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