Chapter 17- Pt. 2

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xxx Hey y'all! I just got back from Florida and I loved the weather. It was warm there the whole time, but now I'm back and ready to update. This is the second part of Chapter 17 because I forgot to put it in with the rest. Vote, comment, and enjoy!! =) xxx

Elizabeth's POV

Since it was the middle of summer, the weather was warm outside. I liked the warmth, but Leana didn't. She liked the cold because it came with hoodies and 'snuggling weather.'

"Liz," she whined, "It's too hot outside..." I gave her a death glare.

"Shut up, whiny. It feels good out here." We called a cab that was speeding towards the hotel parking lot. We stepped inside and it was the same taxi driver that took me home from the hospital. He had the same scruffy hair and golden brown eyes. And his glasses sat on the same place at the tip of his nose like it ha before.

"Good afternoon, Ladies. Where to?" he chuckled at the sight of me, so he must've remembered me. "You are the sweet young lady I dropped of here yesterday, right?"

I laughed, "Yep, that was me. And this is my friend who needed the ice cream, her name is Leana. We are heading to the mall." The man nodded his head and drove away taking us with him.

The mall in Tennessee was HUGE, I couldn't wait to see what boutiques they had here. I tossed the money in the front seat, like before, grabbed Leana's wrist and we shoved our way through crowded groups of people until we made it to the Food Court. Lee looked at me with awe. Here, there were so many restaurants and bakeries filled with delicious-looking food.

I raced her to the fresh pastry cart, but she bumped into me causing me to fall. But Leana got there first. She didn't even see me fall so this guy that was standing near me helped me up. I shouted at him as I ran towards Lee, "Thank you!"

He smiled and waved at me. He reminded me of Liam, he had the same brown hair and same broad shoulders and seemed quite muscular. Leana shouted at me," Liz, are you payne-ing attention?!"

Huh, what?" Leana must've seen me looking at him.

"Oh my gosh, you were just checking him out, weren't you?"

"No, I just miss Liam. He just looked like him. I was just about to call him. Why don't you head to SunPac and I'll meet you in there when I'm done." I found a quiet place to call Liam, and pulled my phone out of my purse. My phone rang a couple times and LIam picked up on the fourth ring.

"Hello?," I've missed hearing his voice, he sounded so innocent.

"Hey babe. How are things with Niall?"

There was a pause," Um... He's doing alright I guess. He's acted miserable but he'll try and snap out of it when we're in public. What about Leana?"

"She's doing good, she's not acting too down. Liam I've missed you so much. I missed hearing your voice."

I could hear Liam's chuckle, "I miss you too, love. Only 2 more days. Gotta go, babe."

"Bye, Liam."

This must be really hard for Niall, I thought. But shortly after my thoughts were interrupted by Leana jumping out behind me and scaring the living crap out I me.

She giggled, "Hey, let's go to Icing! They have some really cute ear cuffs for sale."

"Sure," I gulped, "Lets go." I noticed Leana's phone ringing in her bag. "Hey, Lee your phone is ringing."

She turned at me with a weird fake-smile, "You're silly, must be hearing things." She turned away and flipped her curly brown hair.

We arrived back at the hotel, and now I know what it really feels like to 'shop til you drop.' I was so freaking tired. But the most tiring part was Lee helping pick out the perfect outfits to wear for my date with Liam.


"Since, it's the summer we should get you a cute dressy look but not something too formal," Leana preached.

"Whatever, i just hopes that he likes it."

"Are you freaking kidding me? He'll love it no matter what! I don't thik he would care if you wore a freaking chicken costume. Now his favorite color is purple so let's pick out something that is purple and around thigh-lengthed."

We went into about 20 different stores and the outfit was either really cute and too expensive or too not me and a reasonable price. It was exhausting so me and Leana decided to sit at the food court for a little bit and check out the food. About an hour and a half later we were back to work on the new stores upstairs. My phone buzzed-NEW MESSAGE FROM: Liam<3- I unlocked it and my face lit up.

Liam<3: Hey babe. Don't forget our date. You'll love it. See you soon. ;)

I replyed back.

Elizabeth: I can't wait. xxx

Leana and I searched and stripped the mall for a perfect 'purple summer-time date outfit' and we finally found one. It was really cute, but also very simple. My outfit was a nice purple button down with a little cute pattern on it. We had also gotten a pair of black jeans with a tiny bit of sparkle in them that you wouldn't have noticed. I already had perfect black pumps to go with it and Lee said she'll take care if the accessories like my purse and jewelery.

----Back 2 Current time----

I changed into my pjs and sunk into the bed, and instantly fell asleep, being as tired as I was. Tomorrow I had my date with Liam, and it was going to be amazing.

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