Chapter 2

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xx Hey my little ducklings. I got home today and I feel like crap, but I am still going to update I figured that I needed too because I really didn't give you guys very much to read. So.. HERE WE GO. Oh and before I forget to tell you I will always have a picture of Lizzy's outfits over here ------------------> to the left of the story. :D enjoy.xx

Liam's POV

I heard a door open and Niall and I simultaneously turn around to see the most beautiful I have ever seen in the world. I don't normally find myself aattracted to blondes but it compliments her perfecty. Niall's mouth was hanging open staring at her friend who came in behind her. I walked over to her-- more like stumbled-- and introduced myself. "Heloo love, I'm-"

"Liam. I know I love your music." Her friend said, fangirling. "And your Niall. And that's Harry and Louis. And Zayn is checking himslef out."

Niall looked at her with his blue eyes. " Nice to meet you." He said hold out his arm to shake her hand. "What is your name?"

"I am Leana. You can call me Lee. And this is my friend Elizabeth."

"You can call me Liz."

Louis, be the child he is went over to her and started making a fool of himself. "Hello Liz. I am going to call you Lizzy is that ok, Lizzy? Oh, I love your hair is a very pretty color. And I think some one else likes it to. Wink. Wink." He said looking over at me. She blushed, oh yeah. One point for Payne.

"Anybody thirsty. We have soda in the fridge. I'll go get some." I said trying not to be over-flirty with Liz.

I went over to the mini-fridge we have in the dressing room and dragged out 4 cokes. One for me and Niall,

and one for Liz and Leana. Luckily when I was walking back over there Zayn noticed me and stuck his leg out right before I saw it and tripped me. Making me spill the soda all over Liz. Great. Smooth move Malik.

I started panicking so much, " Zayn, what the hell. I am so sorry, love. Here come with me. I will help you get cleaned up." I took her into the private bathroom we had build in to our dressing room. She still look gorgeous even with coke all over her shirt.

We reached the bathroom and started crying. I tried to hug her and calm her down. " I am so sorry. Zayn is so mean isn't he?"

She looked up at me and nodded. "Yeah. I guess so." She started giggling. I made her laugh. On th e inside I was jumping for joy.

"Come on, love. Wear my shirt instead we will have our stylish wash yours for you and you can wear mine until it's done."


xx How was that?xx

Liz 's POV

He looked at me with his big brown eyes and smiled. "Come on, love. Wear my shirt instead we will have our stylish wash yours for you and you can wear mine until it's done."

"Ok. Thank you so much"

He picked me up and set me on the counter. As he took of his shirt I could see him six pack. "Oh lordy. " I whispered to myself. He look so hawt!

" Here you go love." He handed me his plaid shirt and I got off the coutner and turned around so her couldn't see. I stripped off my soggy coke coloured tank top and the it at him.

"Ow. That hurt." I couldn't help but laugh. I had forgotten that all I was in was my pants and a bra so I hurried up and turned around. I slipped on Liam's shirt and turned around.

"You look very good in my shirt. It suits you." He smirked, picked me up and carried me back to the main room. What I saw shocked me. I saw Leana and Niall holding hands watching Tv with Harry and Louis. Lam looked as shocked as I did.

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