Chapter 7

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xx Hello ducklings. Hope you are enjoying the story so far. Here's some more. =) xx


Liam's POV

I stumbled out of the house ready to blow my top. Harry came running after me which was a bad idea. "Liam, wait I didn't mean it. We just got caught in the moment. Please forgive me."

I turned around and swung at him. My fist got him right in the jaw. Everyone else came to get him and clean him up. I got my rental car and turned the radio on. Its was playing She will be loved by Maroon 5. The car started up and I drove away as I saw Liz coming out of the house. She followed after me in Louis' car. I saw her in the rearview mirror and drove faster. I kept an eye on her while I was driv/ng down the road. When I looked u again her car wasn't behind me it was over in a ditch.

I rushed in the Emergency Room with Elizabeth in my arms, "Hello? Doctor, somebody I need help!"

A nurse rushed up to me, "Put her on the gurney please, sir. You'll have to stay out here, but we all let you know when she is ready for visitors."

I set her down on the soft surface of the gurney and placed a kiss on her forehead. The doctor's and nurses rushed her into the ER while I stood in shock. I sat down on the couch in the waiting area, and I eventually fell asleep waiting for the nurse. I woke up around midnight, two hours later than when I arrived, by a thin girl around 15 yeears old and her friend. They were fans, "Hi. Your Liam Payne. Can we have a picture?"

"Sure." The other girl took a picture of me and the blonde haired girl with blue eyes. She reminded me of Liz. "So why are you girls here?"

They sighed, "Our cousin broke his nose." The girl with black hair spoke and sounded like Harry's sister, Gemma. "Why are you hear?"

I was trying to hold back the restraint in my voice, "My friend got in an accident."

"Liam, we are so sorry. Is it this girl?" They held out a tabloid picture. It was a picture of us at Universal, I was standing in front of Liz to keep everyone away from her.

"Yeah, it was her. She is just a friend of mine." The girls replied with sorrys and they came back about a half an hour later with flowers and a 'Get well soon' card.

"Give these to her for us. Thank you Liam. Goodbye." I waved at the girls as they left.

xxJust in case you haven't heard the song, She will be loved by Maroon 5, it will be on the side over here xx ----------->

Back to the story...xx

Liam's POV

As the girls left a nurse came up to me, "Sir, Elizabeth is ready for visitors she had a cell phone on her and we put it on the counter in her room. The room number is 652."

"Thank you so much." I walked down what seemed like endless corridors. When I walked to the lift, I was scared. What if she had amnesia, what if she was mad at me? I got inside the door with a elder lady who looked around her 50s or 60s.

She smiled at me with kind eyes, " Hello, there. I am Gabriella. I am here for my husband, why are you here? You look really startled."

Gabriella was so sweet I couldn't stay quiet, "I am here for my friend, she was in a accident."

"Could she perhaps be your girlfriend?"

"I am not sure. Whatever she decides."

"Let me give you some advice. If you want her to be yours romance her, and tell her how you feel."

And with that the lift stopped on the 4th floor and we both got off. I couldn't wait to see Elizabeth now, my heart was 'racing. The door numbers continued to pass as I hurried down the hall. '648...650...652' as I got to the room I stopped dead in my tracks. Should I just go in? Would she be asleep? How would she react? More and more questions flooded me and I didn't know whay to do. I really needed some one with me right now. But who? I couldnt call one of the boys. They would be too much too soon. Then it came to me... I could call Emily!

I waited for Emily on the couch I had sat on before. Just waiting made me so nervous. I saw Emily walk in with a girl that I didn't know. "Sorry about bringing Christie, she was staying the night with m--" I didn't even let her finish. I engulfed her into a hug and she started comforting me. "Liam its ok. Liz isn't going to be mad at you." We got into the lift and I hadn't introduced myself to Christine yet. "Hello there, love. I am Liam, nice to meet you.

She grinned big, " I know. You are part of One Direction. I love your music."

"Thanks love."

We made our way off the lift and down the hallway rich in front of Liz's room. I put my hand on the doorknob not ready to open it. Emily then slowly pushed down my hand forcing me to open the doer, quietly. Elizabeth was asleep, she looked cute while she was sleeping. I went over to her and kissed her forehead like many times before. Her eyes twitched and she slowly opened her eyes. I saw her look over at Emily and smile. Then she looked over at me, "Liam?"

"Yes, love?"

"Don't ever run away again."

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