Character 17

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xxx Hey, I'm updating because I'm on the phone with the girl who is this is dedicated to and she told me I should update. So I thought I should!! But thank her for reminding me. And stayed  on phone while i wrote it.. But then I forgot to upload so it's a couple days late. Enjoy ducklings!! ( I have called you guys that in a while.) Lol. I'm hyper right now. xxx

Elizabeth's POV

I woke up to the scent of bacon in the room's kitchen. I opened my eyes to see that Leana was making bacon, sausage, and eggs. Looking beside me, I saw that I was still laying on the laid out couch-bed. Lee smiled, "Good Morning, Lizzy boo!" She seemed surprisingly happy today considering what happened yesterday. I mentally smacked myself. Liz don't think about it, don't bring it up. I faked smiled and rose out of bed, "Morning boo, why the super fancy brekfast?"

Lee gulped, "Well, I thought that we could have a girls day today. We haven't really had much time since we stayed here." 

"Perfect, I was hoping that was going to be our plan today. I need to go shopping anyway for..."

Leana inturupted,"For you super special romantic date with Liam?"

I laughed. I must've sleep talked last night because that's what I called my date. The cabinet made huge bang as I opened it and it slammed agaisnt the cream walls. All we had to use for brekfast untensils were bowls and forks. No spoons, probably because Liam bought them. So I picked up a piece of sauge with my forks and took a bite. It was really good, Lee was always good at cooking. She yelled/whined, "HEY!"

"Hey," I said sarcasticlly. But that really pissed her off, and she just growled at me. Dang, cranky ass. I rolled my eyes and turned on the tv. They were talking about the weather blah blah, blah, boring boring boring. After a while, my hand started hurting from channel surfing so I just stopped on some movie that was playing. It was some cheesy old romantic black & white movie. 

So we both sat around for a little while eating sausage and eggs and watching movies until noon. After that we changed out of our pajamas and got into our outfits.  Leana took her suitcase of clothes and stumbled off into the bathroom. I went into the back room deciding on something to wear. I couldn't find anything I really liked, then Lee came in wearing a super-cute light aqua-colored tank top with a floral pattern on it. She also wore pink denim shorts that matched the flowers and had studs on them. Adding a brown fedora, purse and some color-cordinated coverse matching her shirt.

"Lee, help me,"  I said motioning to the pile of clothes on top of my suitcase.

She came in rummaging through the pile and started throwing items at my head. With my aproval, she picked out a neon green cami with a demin jacket and white knee-length shorts. For accesories, I found some cute neon pink heels a matching purse and diamond shaped earring to complete it. But then my phone started buzzing and playing Liam's ringtone.

I answered it, " Hey babe."

The line was quiet and then it hung up. Oh, well. He must have butt-dialed me, i grabbed Leana by the arm and we strutted out the door.

                           (OUTFITS ARE OVER THERE ----------------------------------->)

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