Chapter 9

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xx Hello ducklings. Sorry I haven't wrote in awhile I have been busy with other stuff and I was feeling sick the rest of the time. So here is more. Love you all. xx


Elizabeth's POV

When I woke up it was Wednesday. I was layout nc in the hospital bed hooked up to so many cords and wires. My phone buzzed so I reached over to the side table and picked it up. Wow, I had at least 50,000 new followers and somebody tagged me in something on twitter. It was Liam. He posted a picture of Emily and another girl sitting next to me on the bed while I was sleeping.

I looked up when the door opened, "Good morning, love. How are you? Do you ribs hurt?"

I was confused, "What? My ribs?"

"Yes, the doctor said they are bruised." He walked over to me and sat on the side of the bed.

I picked up my shirt so I could see my ribs. "Oh my God. I would have never noticed if you'd brought it up. I feel fine."

He smiled, "Well, that's good. There is breakfast downstairs and Emma and her friend Christine are here too."

"I would love some breakfast."

He went outside and pulled in a steaming plate of sausage, eggs, biscuits and jam. "I love this. How did you know this was my favorite food?"

"Well... A little birdie told me." In walked Leana and Niall side by side. Then Zayn and Louis, and Harry was last. He probably thought I was mad at him, but who could be mad at those dimples. Leana came to hug me but I whimpered when she hit my rib.

"Sorry, did I hurt you?"

I looked at her worrying eyes, "It just that in the car crash my ribs got bruised a little."

Louis shoved Niall and Zayn out of the way, "Oh my gosh, Lizzy. I thought you died!! I missed you so much." He embraced me into a light hug without hurting my ribs.

After the hugging and telling everyone over and over again that I am fine, I finally got to eat my sausage and eggs. I only got to eat one biscuit because Niall ate the other one. The nurse came in and ask me how I was feeling. I told her I was fine, and she said I could leave whenever because I was recovering remarkably. The nurse left and so I checked out of the hospital and finally got to leave. We rode back to Leana's house. Leana, Niall, Christine, Liam, and I rode back in Liam's car, and Louis, Zayn, Harry, and Emily rode back in the other. Emily and Harry seemed to have a connection or something because they have been talking and laughing together a lot lately.

When we got back to Leana's house, I went inside and sat down on the couch. Harry, Louis, Niall and Leana went into the kitchen. When they came back out Harry and Louis were carrying a cake that said 'WELCOME BACK LIZ! WE MISSED YOU!' "Awww.. Thanks you guys."

Liam cut the cake and I received mine first. I bit into it and it was my favorite kind of cake, red velvet with butter cream icing. Everyone finished up their ive cream and it was around noon, "Let's go to the beach." I said eagerly, "It's a beautiful day. Why not?"

Emily and Christine agreed. "Yeah. That seems fun."

Harry smiled, "Well, we leave tomorrow for Vegas. We could relax a little."

I mentally jumped in the air with my fist like they do in those cheesy movies. "Awesome. You guys go get your stuff and be back in 30 minutes."

The boys left and we all got ready. I went to Lee's room to get my pink polka dot bikini, that I leave here at Lee's because I am over here so much. I live here more than my own apartment. I threw it on and a white tank top that I left here last week. When I found the perfect swimsuit for Emily I shoved it in her hands and demanded her to try it on PRONTO! She came out of the bathroom and we were all in shock. She looked gorgeous in it. The bikini was a navy sailor two piece with the top tied together. Perfect for her, the hard part was Christine. It's not that she didn't look good in anything, its that she looked good in everything. She tried on some of my other swimsuits I had and some of Lee's, then she found one of my older bathing suits that I had forgot I had here. It was dark purple and little rings attached to it. I loved that swim suit. But it looked much better on her.

We all got ready with only minutes to spare because as soon as everyone was dressed and ready Louis came busting through the door. "Lets go, lovelies. I hope you dont mind, but I invited my girlfriend, Eleanor."

"No problem, Louis. Lets go." We all squished into the convertibles Paul got the boys and headed of to the beach. On the way there we all jammed to some Bruno Mars, Katy Perry and even some of their songs played onthe radio. All was good, I snuggled up next to Liam and fell asleep. It felt so natural. I didn't want him to leave me ever again, I loved him.

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