Chapter 10

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xx Hello. <---- Just so you know I just made that the official word for the day. This is going to be a short chapter, sorry. Comment or vote. You guys are the ones who keep me going. Thank ya. Xoxo. xx


Elizabeth's POV

I woke up when we were about 20min from the beach. Niall and Lee were cuddling too, but Christie looked so out of place. I let go of Liam's arm and scooted over near Christie. "Hey girl, you look lonely. Can I help?"

She looked so lifeless and sad, "No. I don't think so. I just like this guy and I don't know if he feels the same way."

"Well, maybe we can change his mind. Who is it?"

She came a little closer to me a whispered in my ear, "It' it's one of my friends."

I was confused so I just nodded. Niall and Louis pulled into a parking lot across the road from the beach. I could just smell the salt water, I have always been a beach girl. I loved to come to the beach and just sit in the sand and take in my surroundings. Liam stepped out of the car and held the door out Christie and me. He is such a gentleman. I got my bag and beach towel out of the trunk and headed towards the water.

"I'll race ya!!" Leana yelled at me, but apparently Louis heard her too and pushed past us and knocked us over on the ground.

Liam picked me up and carried me until we got to the beach. Niall set out a large blanket and put up an umbrella so Liam could put me down. I stripped of my shorts so that way they wouldn't get wet and trotted down to the water. When the water reached around my knees I stopped, I closed my eyes held out my arms and just felt the sunshining on my face. From behind me I heard someone call to me, "Lizzy! Watch out!" I was tackled Into the water by Liam. I knew it was him because I could feel his muscles. We both stood up and then pushed each other back in the water.

After an hour of playing in the water with Liam I decided to read my book quietly on the blanket. I was reading a book called 'Wondering Sights.' It was about how this rich man named James falls in love with an average teenage girl named Marie. Huh, that's funny. I just realized James and Marie were mine and Liam's middle names.

My reading time was up so I plugged in my earbuds, closed my eyes and turned on my music. Someone came and layed down next to me, "What are you listening to?"

I replied simply, "Little Mix. They are really good." I opened my eyes and saw Liam looking down at me. I sat up and looked around for everyone else. I soon found Christie and Zayn building sandcastles, while Harry and Emily were flying a kite together. "Aw... they are so cute together." I said to Liam pointing in their direction.

Liam nudged me and pointed over by the snack bar, "Look at Nialler and Lee." Niall had his arm around Leana while they were feeding each other nachos.

Everyone else was here, but Louis. "Where's Lou?" I asked Liam.

"He is meeting up with Eleanor. He is bringing in a bit."

I scooted closer to Liam and put my head in the crook of his neck. He wrapped his arm around me. I could feel the warmth of his hug. Liam rested his head on mine and we just sat there together. Not worrying about anything but what was happening right now. His voice called out in the silence, "Liz,"

"Yeah." I said lifting my head up.

"Would you like to go on a date with me?"

"I would love too." He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me on the forehead. Then, I tilted my head up and we moved closer together. He pressed his lips gently against mine. It felt magical.

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