First Day At Work 👩‍💼

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      The bell rang and everyone head for the exit. My legs had stopped shaking a bit after an hour or so, and I even heard they kicked the girl from the Host Club after trying to stage being attacked by Haruhi. So, my day was going swimmingly as Savannah and I was going out to meet up with Dayna to go home. "Sup bitch," I called out to Dayna. We all gathered by the gate, starting to walk home before I felt around my bag to feel no wallet. Shit. I remembered exactly where I left it too, in the Host Club room. "Guys," I sighed and looked to my feet. "I left my wallet back in the school. I know Savannah's paying for lunch, but I would love to not having random people picking up my stuff." "Why'd you even have your wallet out to begin with? We can't afford anything here," Dayna questioned. Definitely not preparing to be Kyoya's sugar baby, why would you think that?

      Nevertheless, we all walked back into the building and towards the Host Club room quickly. I don't know if they have like meeting after school or whatever, like any other club I know, but I just hope they didn't lock the door. One the way, Dayna even asked why we were both down here to begin with. I forget that she always has her earbuds in whenever she can, so it's less likely she's overheard the girls talking in her class. Before Savannah could even get out a word about them, we were already standing in front of the door and I gave it a good volume knock....that caused it to swing open a slight bit. The members were all still there, and we were all now just staring at each other. "Um...hi," I forced out my throat. Savannah saw that I wasn't having the best attempt at...being normal, so she took over for me. Pulling me aside, she smiled, "Have you guys seen a wallet in here somewhere?" 

      "You mean this one? I found it by the window earlier," Haruhi got up and walked over with my wallet in hand. I grabbed it with a smile, "Thanks Haruhi, you saved my ass." "No problem. I didn't take you for a pink and sparkly kind of person." I blushed greatly, quickly putting it away. Dayna and Savannah agreed with her on that, while I told them to shut the fuck up. "I-It was a gift from a friend...I didn't want to upset them by rejecting it, so I kept it," I gritted through my teeth. The twins somehow made their way to me, putting their arms around me. They both said with a smile, "We didn't think you had friends~" "I will kick your asses to Timbuktu if you don't shut the hell up..." That made them back away quickly. While I was dealing with all of that, Dayna was whispering to Savannah, "So...what's this club?" Before Savannah could answer again, Honey popped up beside her, "We're the host club!" "Please allow me," Tamaki walked up. Savannah gracefully moved aside with little hearts in her heart as he picked up Dayna's hand, bowing to her, "We form a club that entertains lovely young women, like yourself. We call ourselves the Host Club, but you may call us whatever you want~" Keeping an eye on Savannah, the word 'daddy' was forming on her tongue, so I covered her mouth the sake of all of us.

      Dayna's face was bright red as she slowly backed up. To soothe his confused and maybe stop all the blood from rushing to Dayna's head, I stepped in with my hand still on Savannah's mouth, "She's not use to this kind of affection, please forgive her. Give about 10 minutes to reboot." During this, Savannah got the bright idea to lick my hand to finally got out of my trap. We pushed each other away as I reacted loudly in disgust, wiping my hand on my pants. "How about we join the club? I'm sure some guys would like a girl host....I mean, if Tamaki allows it~" She smirked and looked down, tucking some of her hair behind her ear. Fucking Christ...

      "While we wouldn't want to do something as foolish as that with people like you," Kyoya walked up. "We could use extra hands in setting up for different themes. You girls can be like our new dogs...sorry, I mean assistants~" He is so fucking egotistic, but damn it he was hot enough to cancel it out. Dayna finally snapped out of it, coming up behind me to ask quickly, "We're gonna get paid for this, right?" "If you wish~" Right then and there, Dayna and Savannah agreed to work for the Host Club. I declined however, "Look, I love getting paid, especially when my bills is basically pocket change to you people....but, I have a limit. I'm not working for a group that basically indulges in incest! I'm just-" "Excuse us, we need to talk over here for a minute," Savannah grabbed both me and Dayna to pull us to the side quickly. "Work for the people!" "I'm not going to work for them! There's no reason for me to stay here and deal with assholes!" 

Ouran High school Host Club: New MembersWhere stories live. Discover now