Chapter 19

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Do you guys want to know something weird that I do on almost a daily basis? It's pacing back and forth while on my phone. If my phone dies, I grab the extension cord that I hook up to my charger so I don't have to be right by the plug/outlet thing, and I carry it while pacing. Whenever I do that, Dylan watches me as if I'm crazy, but it's really just because I'm hyper pretty much all of the time and I can't sit still for more than 2 seconds. I'm very clumsy and Dylan knows it. Pretty much every time that I pace, i trip either on the extension cord, my own foot, or the corner of the coffee table. Whenever I trip just a little, I am literally unfazed by it and just keep going but sometimes if I trip really hard, and balance myself again and I turn to him and laugh in embarrassment. Whenever that happens, he makes sure I'm okay, and then he starts laughing.

*While pacing at home*
I'm on my phone playing GOT7 Shake and pacing. Dylan knows how when I play that game, it's the only thing I focus on and I don't watch where I'm going, so he watches me very closely. When I'm at the hardest part of the song, I see out of the corner of my eye him watching me closely, but he's also making a face of shock because my fingers where moving across the screen at lightning speed and getting almost every note perfect. I laughed a little to myself. As I was distracted by Dylan's cute shocked face and my game, i REALLY didn't watch where I was going and I tripped really hard. I hit the floor that time which actually surprised me because I rarely fall even though I trip all of the time.
"Oh my gosh, baby, are you ok?" Dylan asked in sudden panic as he rushed towards me dropping to the floor next to me as I sat up weakly. "Im fine I just hurt my hands from landing on them," I said embarrassed as my cheeks turned bright tomato red. He reached his arms up and cupped my face sweetly. "There's no reason to be embarrassed, baby. Everyone trips. Everyone falls. The only difference between you and the rest of the people who trip and fall is that I will be there to pick you up every time," he said softly as I smiled up at him since he was taller than me even when sitting down. He let his hands fall to my shoulders and slowly glide down to my now red and skinned hands. He picked them up as I winced in pain but quickly he moves his hands to the back of my hands to hold them up. "I will make you better, baby." He moved his head down to my hands and lightly kissed every inch of the parts of my hands that were hurt. He was so gentle. I don't think that I have ever seen him like this before. I mean, don't get me wrong, he was sweet all of the time, but this time he was somehow sweeter than ever if that was even possible. He set my hands down on my lap and told me not to move as he ran down the hallway and into the bathroom. I heard the cabinet that is above the toilet open and close and he rushed out holding some of that gauze wrap stuff. "There's no need to-" I started. "I want to help you feel better, baby," he said in a cute voice like a little kid.

Once he finished wrapping my hands in gauze, he looked at me sweetly. "Better?" he smiled. "Yes, thank you," I said shyly. "Promise?" he said in his cute voice again. "Yes," I said laughing at his cuteness.

"Just remember that I will always look after you and take care of you no matter what," he said lovingly as he pulled me towards him for a hug. He gives the best hugs and that's one of the many things that I love about him.

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